V.A. Karpuhin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: vkarp@mail.ru
A.S. Sadovnikova – Student, Department of Biomedical Engineering Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: na100nka@mail.ru
L.V. Sinov’eva – Student, Department of Biomedical Engineering Systems, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: lyda5511@rambler.ru
This article reveals the relevance of the study of electrosurgical methods of resection of tumors of the eyelids, a comparison with other methods used in practice, as well as analyzed the shortcomings that currently exist with possible consequences, the main of which is the wrong selection of exposure parameters. As a result, the main tasks of the work are formulated: theoretical study of the process of radio wave resection and, on the basis of this, determining the influence of the main parameters of the impact on the maximum temperature of biotissue.
To solve this problem, a geometric model of the organ of vision, including the eye, eyelid, eye socket and neoplasm with an electrode. A mathematical model based on the Fourier continuity and thermal conductivity equations as well as initial and boundary conditions is also proposed. For this purpose, the article presents the used electrical and physical parameters of the organ of vision. On the basis of the developed model, a computational experiment was conducted to study the effect of the amplitude and duration of exposure to the heating temperature of biological tissue during the removal of eyelid tumors in Comsol Multiphysics. According to the simulation results, the distribution of the electric potential in the model, the temperature distribution in the surgical intervention zone, the temperature dependence on the depth of penetration into the eye, as well as the dependence of the amplitude of the acting signal on the duration of exposure to achieve the required resection and coagulation temperatures, which are 112 °C and 60-80 °C, respectively.the article also presents the numerical results of the study, namely the maximum temperature in the surgical intervention zone at different amplitude and duration of exposure.
On the basis of the study it was concluded that the values of the applied parameters of exposure to achieve the required resection and coagulation temperatures at a given geometry of the electrode and the frequency of exposure to 2.64 MHz. It was also possible to establish the depth of the maximum temperature and its relationship with the boundary of the "electrode-biotissue".
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