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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
The role of cholinergic neurotransmitter system in support of the brain activity during vibration impact
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-201903-05
UDC: 612.886+612.014

S.M. Minasyan – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Liading Research Scientist, Department of Yuman and Animals Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Erevan State University (Armenia)

E.S. Gevorkyan – Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Research Scientist, Department of Human and Animals Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Erevan State University (Armenia) 

E-mail: Esgevorkyan@yandex.ru 

Ts.I. Adamyan – Ph. D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Human and Animals Physisology, Faculty of Biology, Erevan State University (Armenia) 

E-mail: Tsovinar.Adamyan@ysu.am 

L. Ed. Ghukasyan – Ph. D. (Biol.), Researcher, Research Group of the Department of Physiology  at the Institute of Biology, Faculty of Biology, Erevan State University (Armenia)


With the aim of neuro-pharmacological analysis of the rising impacts of mesodiencephalic activating system in vibration conditions we have studied the effect of central M-anticholinergic drug amizylum on specific thalamo-cortical (TC) and non-specific hypothalamo-cortical (HC) induced potentials (IP). Registration of IP was carried out befor and after injection of amizylum in conditions of vibration impact. Intravenous and intracerebral injection of the preparation was used. On the backround of slow “amizilum” waves the changes of induced responses of core on thalamus relay core and posterior hypothalamic core were observed. Meanwhile, the latent periods and duration of positive and negative phases of IP do not change reliably and the amplitudes of primary components of the responses increase. In conditions of the TC IP amplitude increasing, induced by amizylum, a shortterm vibration (30 min) does not relevantly affect the amplitude-time parameters of the induced responses. Though, after threehour vibration combined with amizylum some enhancement of TC IP amplitude was observed as compared to isolated effect of vibration. The obtained data indicate that the character of the IP change in different phases of vibration is pre-determined by complicated interaction of activating and inhibiting systems of cerebrum.

Pages: 42-46
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Date of receipt: 20 марта 2019 г.