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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of the organism reaction in millimeter range of EMR in biologically active zones immediately after exposure to EHF-radiation on them
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-201903-04
UDC: 621.371

N.V. Lebedeva – Neurologist, Highest Category, LARS Ltd. (Moscow)

V.F. Smirnov – Research Scientist, V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

E-mail: svfmsc@gmail.com

V.V. Faykin – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) E-mail: faykin.victor@gmail.com


As a result of lengthy research team of scientists and doctors under the leadership of academician of USSR ND Devyatkova was installed and substantiated the therapeutic efficacy of EMR (electromagnetic radiation) with wavelengths of 7.1 mm, 5.6 mm, 4.9 mm frequency-modulated ± 100 MHz band and having a power flux density 1-10 mW/cm2. These exposures are used in medical practice to treat patients with already established diagnoses. The exposure is carried out mainly on acupuncture points or in the projection of pain manifestations on the skin. The purpose of this study was to examine the reactions of the organism in BAZ (biologically active zones) immediately after exposure to EHF-radiation (EHF-extremely high frequency) on them with wavelengths of 8 mm, 7.1 mm, 4.9 mm.

This research is intrinsically linked to the diagnosis of the status of the BAZ of human organism using method of radiometry. The appearance of diagnostics based on the reception of human body self-radiation in the MM-range (MM – millimeter) of EMR, as well as the substantiation of new approaches to the role of MM-range of EMR in displaying pathological and normal processes in the human body both as holistic system allowed to take a fresh look at the problem of exposure time of MM-range radiation. Exposure is carried out on the BAZ that are in the pathological condition according to the diagnosis.

This study leads to a conclusion that when the MM-exposure of any frequency on the BAZ of the human body occurs at a frequency response which is used for diagnostics of the radiometer, not always coinciding with the frequency of exposure. It is also important to stress that the exposure was carried out on the BAZ, which have, according to our observations, the actual ability of concentrated display of processes in MM-range of EMR occurring in the human body in norm and pathology.

Managed to determine the time of optimal exposure on the BAZ, where there has been a response in the form of a disturbance with subsequent normalization or return to the original state. This time amounted to 3 minutes, which allows you to influence the BAZ in each case individually, taking into account their condition (norm or pathology) according to the diagnostic data. It also allows EHF- therapy courses and do not overload the body of excess dose of EMR. In some cases, pathological process involves multiple BAZ, and general exposure time increases up to 24-30 minutes.

The proposed method extends the existing EHF-therapy methods and allows you to adjust the biological condition of the human body as an integrated system.

Pages: 35-41
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Date of receipt: 20 февраля 2019 г.