S.S. Bondar – Head of Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics and Proteomika, Scientific Education Center, Tula State University
I.V. Terekhov – Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of the General Pathology, Medical Institute of Tula State University
E-mail: trft@mail.ru
The effect of low-intensity 1 GHz microwave radiation with an energy flux density of 100 nW / cm2 on the level in mononuclear leukocytes (MNC) of whole blood of practically healthy individuals of DNA repair factors, as well as the components of MAPK / SAPK and PI3K / AKT1 signaling pathway.
A single exposure of whole blood cells 24 hours after exposure was shown to be accompanied by a change in the nature of the relationship between the MAPK / SAPK components and the PI3K / AKT1 signaling pathway and DNA repair factors (RAD50, EP300, BRCA1). In this case, the most significant correlation takes place between the proteins BRCA1, RAD50, PTEN and JNK. The stimulating effect of radiation on the level of factors regulating DNA repair during the enhancement of opposing interactions between the considered signaling pathways has been established, which determines the decrease in the reactivity of MNCs in relation to mitogens, cytokines, and growth factors.
The analysis showed that an increase in BRCA1 level in irradiated MNCs is associated with an increase in the content of factors such as JNK protein kinase and ELK4 transcription factor, with a constant level of AKT1 protein kinase. Thus, low-intensity 1 GHz microwaves are an important factor capable of modulating the processes of maintaining genome stability due to the effect on the stress-activated signaling pathway.
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