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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Chaos and order in work of the nervous system
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-201901-04
UDC: 612 821.6+612.822.3

G.I. Shul’gina – Ph.D. (Biol.), Professor, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS (Moscow) E-mail: shulgina28@mail.ru


The aim our work – analyzing the results of our research on the relationship between order and chaos in the cerebral cortex during our training has prompted us to get acquainted with the views of some psychologists who argue that people develop their basic ability to maintain balance, directness and speech without any training, but only through self-awareness and willpower.

Due to the presence in the nervous system of two types of effects on neurons, excitation and inhibition, if it is necessary to limit the output of excitation to effectors (rest, internal inhibition, sleep), a significant part of neurons works chaotically. The work of another, no less, part of the neurons shows a certain degree of ordering in the direction of the presence of a longer interval between action potential than in the distribution of the exponential law. That is determined by the predominance of inhibitory effects. By of active work of the brain (orientate and unconditioned reflexes, movement on the conditional stimulus) the regularity in distribution of the impulses of nerve cells increases, the entropy, calculated with the Shannon formula, decreases, in consequence of increasing its frequency and reducing the inhibition and post inhibitory activation, i.e., disinhibition.

According to K. Ginzburg: "Due to the ability of the system to self-organize several months after birth, the nervous system creates useful structures that direct the energy of the system to perform the actions necessary for it. In this sense, a living organism that has a brain is the most wonderful organizer of chaos in the universe. "As the statistical analysis of our experimental data shows, this is indeed the case. Further, according to Ginzburg, "Since we have self-consciousness and rely entirely on conscious effort and willpower, we do not trust our own nervous system too much. However, if we learn to live on the verge of chaos, we will find that we have all the necessary tools and abilities to interact with it. then we can live a rich and creative life "[1]. According to the above results of studying the work of the nerve elements of the cerebral cortex during training, the CNS is already working on the basis of the interaction of chaos and order. This is due to the fact that it consists of excitatory and inhibitory elements. Due to the formation of not only excitatory, but also inhibitory neurons in the process of evolution, mankind has long been living "a saturated and creative life".

Pages: 31-38
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Date of receipt: 13 ноября 2018 г.