V.A. Antipov
Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Information-measuring and Biomedical Engineering»,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: ParfAnt@RAMBLER.RU
O.V. Antipov
Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Computational Applied Mathematics»,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: ParfAnt@RAMBLER.RU
V.V. Soldatov
Director of the Center for Multimedia and Technical Means of Training (CMST);
Director of the Regional Center for Space Services of the Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
Е-mail: sldvv@bk.ru
Information systems (IS) members-founders of the virtual medical organizations (VМО) cannot exist separately one from another therefore development of the uniform environment of message transfer between components of the distributed{allocated} systems is the important problem. The majority of integration decisions unites diverse IS: inherited, commercial and created to order. Thus the integration decision should consider all distinctions (the programming language, a platform, a data format), existing between united systems.
Besides the decision should have an opportunity of adaptation to change united by it IS. Transformations to one system entail unpredictable consequences for other systems, therefore, at integration IS important to reduce their interdependence due to, so-called, weak linkage.
For overcoming described above difficulties it is possible to use the approach called as an exchange by messages.
The exchange of messages is a technology of high-speed asynchronous interaction between program applications with a guarantee of delivery of the information. Applications cooperate among themselves, exchanging the packages of data named by messages, passed through the channel. The channel or turn is the logic route uniting the programs and used for transportation of messages. The channel reminds the file of messages accessible to simultaneous use by many applications.
The functional part of an exchange of messages is provided with the separate program system named by a message system or ON, focused on an exchange of messages (Message-oriented middleware - MOM). In job one of the major questions connected with development МОМ, - routing of messages is considered.
Router on the basis of the contents (Content-Based Router - CBR) - one of the most widespread forms supporting routing of messages. A router on the basis of the contents the message in the proceeding channel depending on used criterion.
In job formal bases of routing on the basis of the contents a feather of the given message are considered. It is important for reception of full representation about behaviour of systems of the publication/subscription using the given paradigm. New additions which are resulted include formalization of a configuration of routing,base of routing, and universal criterion of a correctness of system.
The concept of admissible routing configurations which guarantee is entered, that in static system of the publication / a subscription all corresponding notices are delivered to the consumer.
In dynamic system of the publication / the subscription cannot be guaranteed, that the configuration of routing is always correct. Therefore the concept of poorly operating configurations of routing is entered. Poorly operating configurations of routing provide only delivery of such notices which correspond to a subscription and which have already been included in adjustments of routing.
- Antipov O.V., Pyl'kin A.N. Vybor mekhanizma uvedomleniya v raspredelyonnyh sistemah publikaciya/podpiska // Matema-ticheskoe i programmnoe obespechenie vychislitel'nyh sistem: Mezhvuz. sb. nauch. trudov. Ryazan': RGRTU. 2011. S. 35-41.
- Antipov O.V. Asinhronnaya platforma raspredelyonnyh informacionno-upravlyaemyh prilozhenij na osnove kommunika-cionnoj paradigmy Publikaciya/Podpiska // Sb. tezisov NIT-2011. Materialy HVI Vseross. nauchno-tekhnich. konf. stu-dentov, molodyh uchyonyh i specialistov. Ryazan': RGRTU. 2011. S. 126-128.
- Antipov V.A., Antipov O.V., Chekhov A.P. Postroenie telemedicinskoj sistemy na osnove kommunikacionnoj paradigmy publikaciya/podpiska // Biomedicinskaja radioelektronika. 2012. № 8. S. 34-41.
- Antipov O.V., Chekhov A.P. Formal'naya specifikaciya sistem publikacii/podpiski. // Matematicheskoe i programmnoe obespechenie vychislitel'nyh sistem: Mezhvuz. sb. nauch. trudov. Ryazan': RGRTU. 2011. S. 110-115.
- Hop G., Vul'f B. Shablony integracii korporativnyh prilozhenij. Proektirovanie, sozdanie i razvertyvanie reshenij, osnovannyh na obmene soobshcheniyami. SPb: Vil'yams. 2006. 672 s.
- Antipov V.A., Antipov O.V., Soldatov V.V. Analiz mekhanizmov vzaimodejstviya v edinoj informacionnoj srede virtu-al'noj medicinskoj organizacii // Biomedicinskaya radioelektronika, 2018. № 8. S. 60-72.