A.A. Zhilnikov
Engineer, Department «Information-measuring and biomedical engineering», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: ark9876@mail.ru
T.A. Zhilnikov
Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Mathematics and information technology management»,
Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Ryazan)
E-mail: quadrus02@mail.ru
V.I. Zhulev
Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Information-measuring and biomedical engineering»,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University; Honored Worker of Higher School of Russian Federation,
Laureate of the Ryazan Region on Science and Technology and the Silver Medal n.a. Academician V.F. Utkin
E-mail: zhulev.v.i@rsreu.ru
The problem of noninvasive research of the internal structure of biological tissues is one of the main in medicine and related fields of medical technology.
Currently, magnetic resonance imaging, which has limited use, is actively used for its solution in medical practice. It is caused by the fact that at nuclear-magnetic resonance (NMR) tomography the biological object is placed in a magnetic field. As a result, in the presence of magnetosensitive foreign inclusions inside it, their magnetic properties begin to appear to a large extent. It is important to remember that the magnetic fields of the NMR-tomograph have sufficient force capable of pulling these inclusions, injuring healthy tissues, leading to serious consequences or even death.
The necessity of using the method of computed tomography, which is based on the special case of Radon transformation, is indicated for the detection of hidden foreign inclusions with magnetic properties. This work involves the use of Radon transform to solve vector problems due to the nature of the magnetic field, to localize hidden inclusions.
The mathematical apparatus of the communication flow informative response to the impact and direct Radon transformation, followed by an illustration of the mechanism of object search, for example, inclusion in the form of two plates.
In the illustrations, the extremum points of the recovered function have points that are suspicious of the presence of the Dirac Delta-function, because the extremums can be a consequence of the presence of a fatal error. False extremes indicating non-existent boundaries of the same object are excluded by comparison of images from two (or more) directions of observation.
- ZHil'nikov A.A., ZHil'nikov T.A., ZHulev V.I. Poluchenie izobrazheniya raspredeleniya magnitnogo polya vnutri biologicheskih ob"ektov // Biomedicinskaja radioehlektronika. 2011. № 7. S. 41-46.
- ZHil'nikov A.A., ZHil'nikov T.A., ZHulev V.I. Nerazrushayushchaya registraciya raspredeleniya plotnosti magnitnogo potoka vnutri biologicheskih ob"ektov // Biomedicinskaya radioehlektronika. 2013. № 7. S. 26-31.
- ZHil'nikov A.A., ZHil'nikov T.A., ZHulev V.I. Ocenka razreshayushchej sposobnosti sistemy neinvazivnogo magnitoindukcionnogo issledovaniya ferromagnitnyh vklyuchenij biologicheskih ob"ektov dlya ogranichennogo chisla izmerenij // Biomedicinskaya radioehlektronika. 2017. № 7. S. 20-29.
- Levin G.G., Vishnyakov G.N. Opticheskaya tomografiya. M.: Radio i svyaz', 1989. 224 s.
- ZHil'nikov A.A., ZHil'nikov T.A., ZHulev V.I. Konceptual'naya model' sposoba nerazrushayushchego izmereniya magnitnyh polej vnutri biologicheskih ob"ektov // Biomedicinskaja radioehlektronika. 2012. № 7. S. 37-43.
- Stanley R. Deans «The Randon Transform and some of its applications» Dover Publications, Inc. Mineola, New York. 1993.
- ZHil'nikov A.A., ZHil'nikov T.A., ZHulev V.I. Kvazistacionarnaya model' opisaniya magnitnogo polya pri realizacii sposoba magnitoindukcionnogo issledovaniya ferromagnitnyh tel vnutri ob"ektov // Inzhenernaya fizika. 2017. № 9. S. 33-39.
- ZHil'nikov A.A., ZHil'nikov T.A., ZHulev V.I. Metodicheskie pogreshnosti sposoba neinvazivnogo magnitoindukcionnogo issledovaniya // Biomedicinskaya radioehlektronika. 2017. № 7. S. 30-36.