I.V. Belik
Assistant Researcher, Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Experimental Medicine (St.-Petersburg)
E-mail: ivanbelik2014@ya.ru
A.A. Ivantsova
Assistant Researcher, Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Experimental Medicine (St.-Petersburg)
E-mail: anna.ivantcova@gmail.com
Z.E. Mamedova
Cardiologist, Clinic of Institute of Experimental Medicine (St.-Petersburg)
E-mail: mamedovazumrud@mail.ru
Now more and more attention it is given to a role of immune factors in atherogenesis. Autoimmune theory the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, witch is based on autoantigenic properties of apo B-100-containing lipoproteins, exposed various chemical modifications.
To determine role of antibodies (Abs) to various modifications of LDL and their complexes in atherogenesis. To demonstrate the relationship between the levels of Abs and cholesterol concentration of circulating immune complexes (chol-CIC) with the diagnosis.
The study involved 79 patients with coronary artery disease, 25 - with preclinical atherosclerosis and 59 healthy controls. All patients identified key lipid parameters (total cholesterol, chol-LDL, chol-HDL, triglyceride). Levels of Abs against (IgG and IgM) LDL modified by malondialdehyde (MDA), acetic anhydride and hypochlorite, were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Circulating immune complexes (CIC) were isolated by precipitation in polyethylene glycol. Mathematical data processing was carried out using statistical data analysis program Statistica 6. Indicators were nonparametric distribution, so Spearman rank coefficient was used for correlation analysis. Mann-Whitney test was used for paired comparisons.
Patients with coronary artery disease had increased levels of the chol-CIC (p < 0,0001) and decreased (p = 0,006) level of Abs (IgM) to hypochlorite-LDL, compared with healthy controls and patients with preclinical atherosclerosis. A correlation between the levels of Abs (IgG) to the hypochlorite-LDL and Abs to MDA- and acetyl-LDL was found. Also there was a correlation between the content of the Abs (IgM) to MDA- and acetyl-LDL and the concentration of the chol-CIC. Connection between Abs levels and lipid parameters wasn’t detected.
The presence of correlation between the levels of Abs to various modifications of LDL suggests multiple modification of LDL particles. However, the levels of Abs have little relation to the presence or absence of atherosclerosis. In contrast, the concentration of chol-CIC may serve as a marker of atherosclerosis.
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