350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Radioelectronic equipment and research of particulars of EEG reactions of the brain in response to influence of infrasound
Type of article: short message
UDC: 57.025: 612.825.5

© Radiotekhnika, 2018

O.V. Bulatova
Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Human physiology and psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University
E-mail: olgakemsu@mail.ru
V.V. Traskovsky
Assistant, Department of Human physiology and psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University
E-mail: traskovskyi@mail.ru
A.A. Kolotovkin
Student, Department of Human physiology and psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University (Kemerovo)
E-mail: katon1655@gmail.com
G.V. Ribnikov
Student, Department of Human physiology and psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University
E-mail: gleb11100@rambler.ru


Infrasound can be of natural provenance, which emerges in earthquakes, hurricanes, storms and other natural phenomena and technogenic provenance – emerge as a result of the work of different mechanisms and machines. Back in 1950, Vladimir Gavro assumed that the mechanism of the impact of infrasound is forming the reaction of rhythm assimilation. Subsequently, other researchers expressed the idea that the "natural" infrasound is an external pacemaker of rhythm [1, 2], which is generally confirmed by other researchers who studied the influence of infrasound on the cardiovascular system [3] and on the bioelectrical activity of the brain [4]. The purpose of the study was to study the effect of infrasound on the bioelectrical activity of cerebral cortex in young men and women (n=20, 20±0,5 years). Frequency of infrasound was 16 Hz, intensity of infrasound was 90 dB. EEG was registered on Neurovisor 40U with by device the band from 0.5 to 70 Hz during 15 minutes. The subjects were exposed by infrasound during 5 minutes. The average spectral power of low-frequency EEG rhythms in young men are higher than in women, but high-frequency rhythms are lower in comparison with young women. After exposure of infrasound, average spectral power decrease in both young men and women in comparison with background. The spectral power of young women decreases in α2 and β1 frequency bands and spectral power of young men reduces in both α frequency rhythms. In the same time it is observed the growth of spectral power in Δ and θ1 frequency bands. During exposure of infrasound the averaged spectral power in all subjects decreases during 4 minutes. By the fifth minute it was observed its rising. Changes of bioelectrical activity during infrasound impact in young men and women have differences. Averaged spectral power in young men was decreasing during first minute of influence of infrasound, then was the same during second minute and slowly decreased by forth minute, and increased by 5 minute. At power spectral changes of boys in response of infrasound observed in all frequency bands is similar, but with different intensity. The average spectral power in young women in response of infrasound was rising during 1 minute then was the same during 2 minute and then was decreasing from 3 to 5 minute of influence. The spectral power growth was observed in the delta and theta rhythms. In the alpha band, especially high-frequency, and in both beta-rhythms observed decrease in spectral power in most localization from the very first minutes of exposure of infrasound. The revealed changes in the alpha the frequency band in response to the impact of infrasound show the sensitivity of the rhythm to non-specific stimuli.

Pages: 46-48
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Date of receipt: 20 февраля 2018 г.