N.V. Lebedeva
Neurologist of the Highest Category, LARS Ltd. (Moscow)
V.F. Smirnov
Research Scientist, Kotelnikov IRE of RAS (Moscow)
E-mail: svfmsc@gmail.com
The article presents the developed by N.V. Lebedeva concept of the state of human health, taking into account the characteristics of the MM-band waves emitted by a person, based on empirical research. A new interdisciplinary scientific and technical direction under the leadership of Academician N.D. Devyatkov known now as EHF-therapy was started in the 60s of the last century. A major role in its dissemination and application in the USSR and abroad has been played by the researches under the guidance of D.Sc. professor O.V. Betsky. Further technical work in this direction led to the creation of highly sensitive radiometers. This allowed them to be used for human research. N.V. Lebedeva in this direction spent many years of work, resulting in the creation of a method called "a method of diagnosing the biological state". To process the received signal from the radiometer, original software was created. In the process of empirical research, the most informative biologically active zones (BAZ) on the surface of the human body were identified. Also, there were signs of norm and deviation from the two criteria on the graphs. On the basis of these data, a model for diagnosing a person's health status was created, taking into account the characteristics of the MM-band of waves emitted by a person. Initial studies were carried out using a radiometer operating at a frequency of 8 mm. Next, the problem of confirming the results was set and solved using a radiometer tuned to a frequency of 4.9 mm. V.F. Smirnov conducted work on pairing the software of both radiometers. The data from subsequent tests fully confirmed the results obtained earlier. The article gives examples of the BAZ research schedules. Evaluation of the characteristics of the MM-range of human-emitted wavelengths in addition to the standard clinical indicators allows a more reliable and complete decision on the state of human health.
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