O.V. Bulatova
Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Human Physiology and Psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University
E-mail: olgakemsu@mail.ru
V. V. Traskovsky
Post-graduate Student, Department of Human Physiology and Psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University
E-mail: traskovskyi@mail.ru
K.Yu. Zubrikova
Assistant, Department of Human Physiology and Psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University
E-mail: ksenka2010zubr@mail.ru
N.A. Litvinova
Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Human Physiology and Psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University
E-mail: nadyakemsu@mail.ru
E.I. Lotorev
Student, Department of Human Physiology and Psychophysiology, Kemerovo State University
E-mail: pheonix45@yandex.ru
E. V. Shabaldina
Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of otorhinolaryngology, Kemerovo State Medical University
E-mail: weit2007@yandex.ru
The article presents the results of olfactory testing of various odor samples under the control of EEG performed on two groups of men aged 30 ± 5 years: healthy (n = 11) and having olfactory dysfunction (n=24). Multichannel EEG was recorded rest and upon presentation of 18 natural body odors of young women and the odor of butanol (concentration 0.0625%). Changes in spectral power within narrow frequency ranges in response to olfactory stimulation were estimated by multivariate analysis of variance. In healthy men the averaged background spectral power of the rhythms is significantly higher in all locations, in comparison with men with olfactory dysfunction. In both groups of men, the dominant posterior rhythm is high-frequency alpha and the spectral power of most rhythms is higher in the right hemisphere. In healthy men, under the influence of butanol, the average spectral power decreases in most of the localizations of both hemispheres, whereas in men with olfactory dysfunction only in the frontal, central and parieto-occipital localizations of the left hemisphere. Changes in the spectral power of the EEG in response to the odor of butanol in narrow frequency ranges are specific, depending on the presence of olfactory dysfunction. EEG-reaction to butanol is manifested in the form of a decrease in the spectral power of the low-frequency theta rhythm in healthy men, and high-frequency in men with olfactory dysfunction, which may indicate that the perception of olfactory information in men occurs in different ways. EEG-reactions in the form of a significant decrease in spectral power in theta1, alpha1 and beta1 frequency bands in healthy men may indicate a confident recognition of this odor, which is not observed in men with olfactory dysfunction. Changes in the spectral power of the EEG in men in response to female body odors in narrow frequency ranges revealed differences between groups. In healthy men EEG-reaction to female odors is detected as generalized decrease in spectral power of delta rhythm, whereas in men with olfactory dysfunction only in the prefrontal localizations. In men who have no abnormalities in the olfactory system, the spectral power of alpha rhythms increases in response to the presentation of bodily odors, which can be interpreted as an increase in the scanning function of the alpha rhythm associated with the biological significance of this odor. In men with olfactory dysfunction in response to female odors is observed a classical reaction depression of alpha rhythms, which indicates that this odor is perceived as a normal sensory stimulus. EEG-reaction to female body odors in the beta1 rhythm in men with and without olfactory dysfunction does not differ, and manifests in the form of a significant decrease in the spectral power for the majority of localizations in both hemispheres.
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