350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Electrical stimulator with biosynchronization signals impact
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 61.612.556.563

O.V. Averchencov  Nevrologist, Director, LLC “Smolensk MC”, Smolensk  E-mail: oleg-nevrolog@mail.ru  

A.I. Sazonov  Master in the Direction “Electronics and a nanoelectronics”,  Branch of National Research University “Moscow Power Institute”, Smolensk  E-mail: and67rus@mail.ru  

Yu.V. Troitckii  Ph. D. Eng., Associate Professor, Branch of National Research University “Moscow Power Institute”, Smolensk  E-mail: Troickii_yurii@mail.ru  



In article the overview of methods of increase of efficiency of physiotherapeutic procedures with use of electrostimulation due to application of the “intellectual” means. The structure of an electrostimulator with synchronization of the stimulating impact with a warm rhythm and breath of the patient. Requirements to separate nodes of the block diagram of a microcontroller eletrostimulyator with biosynchronization are formulated.


Pages: 60-64
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Date of receipt: 6 февраля 2017 г.