N.T. Abdullayev Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Azerbaijani Technical University, Baku E-mail: a.namik46@mail.ru
K.Sh. Ismayilova Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Azerbaijan State Universit
In this paper is used the multifractal fluctuation analysis (MFFA) for the quantitative assessment of comparable limbs asymmetry of patient. With the aid of the proposed method for the Quadriceps femoris muscle-vastus lateralis of the right and left sides of the thigh muscles is calculated the variance deformed with the aid of which is calculated the generalized Hurst exponent, the exponent Renуi and the spectral function. It is demonstrate that the MFFA method is acceptable to quantitative identifying of limbs asymmetry.
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