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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The problems of fundamental technical solutions development for the construction of devices for platelet transfusing medium storage
A.G. Gudkov Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department "Technologies of instrument making", Bauman Moscow State technical University,
E-mail: profgudkov@gmail.com
V.Yu. Leushin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Technical director, ООО "НПИ ФИРМА ГИПЕРИОН", Moscow
E-mail: ra3bu@ yandex.ru
A.F. Bobrihin Head of Department, ООО "НПИ ФИРМА "ГИПЕРИОН", Moscow
E-mail: bobrihin@yandex.ru
V.N. Lemondjava Head of Department, ООО "НПИ ФИРМА "ГИПЕРИОН", Moscow
E-mail: ooo.giperion@gmail.com
S.V. Agasieva Ch. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department "Technologies of instrument making", Bauman Moscow State technical University,
E-mail: s.agasieva@mail.ru
E.N. Gorlacheva Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State technical University
E-mail: gorlacheva@yandex.ru
I.N. Omel-chenko Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Dr.Sc. (Econom.), Fu8ll Professor, Director of Structural Dimision "Engineering business and management", Dean of "Engineering Business and Management", Head of Industrial Logistics Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
The requirements to functional characteristics and features of devices for the safe platelet medium storage are formulated.
The investigation of physical processes of the of biological objects safe storage in conditions of its temperature control with high requirements to temperature maintenance and temperature uniformity in volume within ± 1° C is done, a block diagram of an electromechanical module that provides the mixing mode of platelet transfusing medium with using of thermostabilization system, based on the semiconductor thermoelectric elements is presented. The experimental model of device for the safe platelet transfusing medium storage, including electromechanical module, providing the mixing mode of platelet transfusing medium and thermally insulated chamber with an electronic temperature control device and the control parameters of the platelet concentrate storage mode is described.
The implemented analysis helped to conclude: creating the devices for the safe storage of the transfusing platelet mediums with using of heat setting systems as a devices for the conversion of the electrical energy to the heating, the most effective from the power, design , manufacturing, technological, economic and operational standpoints is using of the thermoelectric cooling module. A thermopile mode (heating or cooling) is determined by voltage polarity: passing the direct current through the thermopile, we raise (lower) the temperature on a heat changer inside the chamber, herewith the heating of bulk occurs.
Described devices for the safe storage of transfusing platelet mediums provides platelet secure storage with their viability and haemostatic activity in conditions of extreme and emergency situations regardless of the presence of the mains voltage .
Executed theoretical and experimental researches and development of new mathematical models of heating physical processes allows to create a science-methodical base for the development of structure optimization of the construction and technological processes of manufacturing of the devices for the safe storage of the transfusing platelet mediums, having high margin of safety and surpassing foreign analogues by the criterion " price - quality".
Pages: 47-54
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