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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Particularly measurement of the pulse wave of one and multipoint sensors
lapplanation tonometry
pulse wave of the antegrade and retrograde
blood pressure cuff
three-point sensor pulse wave
I.S. Javelov Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Moscow
E-mail: yishome@mail.ru
A.V. Rochagov Research Scientist, Laboratory of Biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Moscow
E-mail: rochagov@yandex.ru
O.S. Javelov Engineer, Laboratory of Biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Moscow
E-mail: yoihome@mail.ru
K.V. Pleshakov Post-graduate Student, Laboratory of Biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Moscow
E-mail: kpleshakov@gmail.com
Engineering and improvement sensor of a pulse wave for research hemodynamic vascular chanell allows to come close to the problem of quality analysis of regularity organization of phenomenon such as direct and reflected wave velocity and pressure. In this article considered primary infelicity, which arise using single-point sensor of a pulse wave. In the article describes experiments devoted to the research of phenomen a causing distortion of evidence, namely: displacement sensor conserving researching artery. We show reliable reception indicator the displacement at the sensor and hand bend and give the data of offset the impact on the final calculated parameters. Werequest constructor three-point sensor, where inthepositioning error can be substantially compensated.
Among the methods based on diagnosis by pulse, the most informative method is sphygmography, where using sensors to measure mechanical vibrations of the arterial wall. This allows a non-invasive method to obtain undistorted pulse wave and high resolution to carry out mathematical analysis of their contour (sphygmography high resolution). It should be noted that the opportunity to observe non-invasive pulse wave, is of definite diagnostic value for cardiology and internal medicine.
The main obstacle to implementation of the arterial blood pressure is the error from inaccurate installation of the sensor on the artery (positioning error). To overcome this problem researchers are two ways: 1) to study the effect of errors on results [6] and 2) the creation of sensitive multipoint sensor-matrix. This article focuses on mainly the first question. In addition, the issue of modeling of a three-point sensor on the basis of a pilot experiment in one volunteer (male 62 years).
Directly on the wrist had the sensor of the pulse wave[2,3] on the flexible harness made of reinforced rubber (as the base of the strap adjustable harness used to stop venous bleeding - manufacturer DGM firm-Apparate Handel A G, Switzerland). In parallel with the sensor secured flexible metrological tape scale 1 mm. the results of the experiments are to observe distortion of the pulse wave, the displacement of the sensor in both directions from the artery. The first group of measurements was carried out when the sensor is displaced to the left, which corresponds to the experiments No. 561-567. The first shift led to the deviation of rear slope of the wave. The second group of measurements corresponds to the sensor offset to the right. Here the results differ in that the wave is strongly distorted already at the offset for the value of 2 mm (starting with # 570). The second group of measurements corresponds to the sensor offset to the right. Here the results differ in that the wave is strongly distorted already at the offset for the value of 2 mm (starting with # 570).
From the obtained results we can draw the following conclusions: the Measurement of pulse wave sensors requires a single man-datory monitoring and supervision of the entire contour of the pulse wave. A valid offset range of the sensor (about 8 mm), which continues to form the pulse wave. Error from the rotation of the hands can also distort the signal, but is affected less than that of the positioning error.
Apparently, the influence of positioning error can be significantly reduced by applying three-point sensors. Thus, in accordance with the modeling based on the average value of three measurements, the error is reduced from 57% to 43%, however, in some cases with a narrow range of displacements observed more accurate performance from a single-point sensor calculated according to the average of the values of A2/A1. by the use of mathematical methods of image recognition of the pulse wave, we can expect further reduction in error in the case of three-point sensor.
Pages: 14-21
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