350 rub

Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Method of measurement and evaluation of electromagnetic field and its application in medical technology
bioelectromagnetic field
spatial distribution
phase surface
biofield electromagnetic tomography shell
phase auragram
equipotential surfaces
medical diagnostics
A.P. Dubrov - Dr. Sc. (Philology), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of unconventional therapies, Reflexology Institute of the Medical Ministry, member of the New York Academy of Sciences, the International Academy of Informatization, Academy of Energy Information Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical and Technical, International Society for the chrono-biology, bio-electricity and bio-electromagnetism (Moscow)
E-mail: utmedia2@gmail.com
Y.P. Kravchenko - Academician of Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences (20.07.1947 - 4.04.2016)
A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Editor in Chief of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting» www.patenttt.narod.ru
E-mail: gmkristo@yandex.ru
The development of diagnostics methods of a bioobjects function state, including person, on an parameters evaluation of ambient its external electromagnetic field is for today an actual problem. It is explained, on the one hand, by high informativity and major convenience of such diagnostics methods, from other side, by series difficulties which have been not solved for today. In the article the method and devices for the first time permitting to register parameters of a biofield envelope stable component without application of a cryogenic engineering is described by the designed authors. In difference from known methods receiving only an information about a character of fast reflex regulation, designed method and devices allow completely to escape from instantaneous fluctuations dynamics of an organism state and to construct field maps, bound elementary relation with diseases and practically not requiring of decoding and analysis, that considerably increases diagnostics exactitude and diagnostic capabilities. A useful signal is a noise signal of natural electromagnetic fields of biological objects that defined the high noise immunity of the proposed method. In turn, this has allowed with radical way to increase the sensitivity of the equipment were based on the method developed by the authors. As the useful signal is used chaotic natural electromagnetic fields signal of biological objects. In the studies we examined more than 4,000 patients, and we found the persistent parametric correlates that characterize a current state of human and reflecting the pathology of various organs, including the hidden, or not yet manifested. This greatly improves accuracy of diagnosis and contactless diagnostic capabilities compared to known methods.
Measurement and evaluation parameters of electromagnetic fields distribution in the near space surrounding biological objects, in spite of their rather long history, and it is today an urgent task. Today the difficult are not resolved and concluded that all known methods for evaluating external BEMF allow to register their rapidly changing components only, which makes it impossible to achieve any acceptable accuracy and repeatability of the integrated diagnostic evaluation of body condition. In this case, the selection of a standard law on the dynamics of fast components BEMF virtually impossible even within the personality of the patient due to the high variability and stochastic processes of the sacrificial layer.
We found such informative indicators BEMF around the living organism [11], and we proposed such a method of measurement [14, 19], which includes a fundamentally new methods of signal processing, secure next patents on inventions [15-20]. This enables making the quantitative component of the assessment, infinitely more slowly varying compared to BEMF dynamics recorded by the known methods.
In contrast to the known methods of receiving the information about the nature of fast reflex regulation only, the developed method allows you to completely tune out the instantaneous dynamics of fluctuations of the body state and build a field map. It allows to related simple relationship with diseases and practically do not require decoding and analysis, which greatly improves the accuracy of diagnosis and diagnostic capabilities. The constructed devices, as a matter of fact, is tomographs of bioobjects electromagnetic field envelope, including, persons permitting to make two and three-dimensional visualization of their fine structure.
This work was financially supported by RHSF in grant № 15-03-00519а «Post-non-classic paradigm of artificial intellect» partially.
Pages: 9-19
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