350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Variability of morphological characters as a manifestation of the effects of radiation extremely high frequency and their evaluation in the context of bioinformatics
A.B. Burlakov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: burlakovao@mail.ru G.V. Chernova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Academician RANS, Director of the Scientific and Educational Center for Biophysical Studies of Kaluga K.E. Tsiolkovsky State University, Kaluga E-mail: klg@mail.ru V.V. Babkina - Post-graduate Student, Kaluga K.E. Tsiolkovsky State University, Kaluga E-mail: photon-2@yandex.ru V.V. Sidorov - Research Scientist, Scientific and Educational Center for Biophysical Studies of Kaluga K.E. Tsiolkovsky State University, Kaluga E-mail: klg@mail.ru O.P. Andeber - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Kaluga K.E. Tsiolkovsky State University, Kaluga E-mail: quant2@mail.ru
The observed increase of the influence of physical factors on living systems determines the necessity of development of research technologies in order to address conceptual issues in assessment of influencing factors. Particular attention should be paid to the manifestation of the effects of radiation of extremely high frequency (EHF radiation) both of natural and man-made external agent. From earlier studies which we have made we can conclude that it can modify important population characteristics defining the vitality and life-span of the organism and the development its morphological structures. In this regard, this paper presents the results of the study of variability of morphological characteristics manifested in one of the early overground stages of development of plants Triticum aestivum of the varieties «Zlata» and «Esther». Important is the fact that these varieties are different genotypic forms. Their pedigree is described by the authors who created them and they were assessed by patents (2005, 2010). The development feature of plants of the variety Lutescens is that at this stage (the phase of tillering), they are presented only by one morphological structure - lamina. Therefore, the implementation of all information processes is associated only with its formation, which allows us to quantify the influence of genetic and environmental factors. In this regard, we conducted research of characteristics of 2772 laminas of the variety «Zlata» and 2786 laminas of the variety «Esther». Biometric analysis was aimed at quantitative assessment of the impact of genetic and environmental factors modifying the ma-nifestation of the characteristics. Let us denote the factors: G - genetic, E - environmental, or EHF radiation. The analysis was conducted taking into account average quantity and variability factor of different types of dispersions for each gradation of the factors. There were two of them for factor A: A1 - plants of variety «Zlata», A2 ? «Esther»; B - EHF radiation dose (B1, «zero» dose, control; B2 - 0,06057×10-3; B3 - 0,60570×10-3; B4 - 1,81710×10-3 J/cm2). As plants of both varieties («Zlata» - A1, «Esther» - A2) were exposed to different EHF radiation doses, we have analyzed the results of a study of eight groups. Besides mentioned scientific-methodological approaches to the analysis of the effects of factors G and E features of the distribution of plants were studied depending on the characteristic values. It is shown that the influence of EHF radiation can cause deviations from the normal distribution type, which reflects in genetic diversity of plants. We gave a quantitative estimate to the influence of the effects of genotypic and environmental factors on the formation of the lamina. The influence of EHF-radiation on plant at the embryonal development stage (when their genes were not fuctioning) is very significant and amounted to 47.90% in relation to the analyzed in this work factors. The conducted impact assessment of the effects of EHF radiation testifies the bioinformatic importance of the body condition of plants at the embryonal stage.
Pages: 44-50


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