350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Optoelectronic device for controlling auxiliary equipment of the vehicle
E.B. Boletskiy - Post-graduate Student, Southwest State University, Kursk E-mail: focus_2002@inbox.ru M.I. Truphanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory, Center of Information Technologies in the Design RAS, Odintsovo E-mail: temp1202@mail.ru M.M. Frolov - Post-graduate Student, Southwest State University, Kursk
The task of calculating the tracking direction of human sight, demand in many areas and used as systems for analysis and control. Research in this direction are a variety of scientific and commercial organizations around the world of today, known by many different devices the control system based on tracking the viewing direction in space. One of the promising directions of development of this theme is the use of tracking systems in the direction of gaze control systems, automotive devices, such as multimedia system, the direction of the headlamp beam, various driver assistance systems. However, methods based on non-contact optical determination of the direction of gaze today have a number of significant disad-vantages, among which are such as low accuracy and speed of response in a complex, dynamically changing light environment of rapid chaotic movements of the object tracking as a result of vibration associated with the movement of the car . The most common is the method of determining the direction of gaze by the glare from a point source of infrared light on the cornea of the eye. It works well in a static environment, but in a vehicle it is not possible because shaking, fast changing light conditions, the presence of a plurality of point light sources. A method of calculating the direction of view in terms automotive applications based on the use of the group of optical sensors and controlled group of point light sources arranged in a space in front of the driver. The main effect is achieved due to the fact that such a system allows you to create different combinations of light sources included, maintaining the necessary level of illumination, while by switching various combinations becomes possible with high reliability been accumulated reflections of their own light source from third parties. The experiment allowed us to establish the adequacy of the proposed theory, efficiency and applicability of method and device in actual use. The proposed method will significantly improve the accuracy of calculating the direction of human eyes in a complex, dynamically changing light environment of rapid chaotic movements of the object tracking as a result of vibration associated with the movement of the vehicle. The method and the proposed device reduces the load on the driver of the vehicle and provide a more efficient use and management of auxiliary machinery and vehicle devices.
Pages: 63-67


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