350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Evaluation of information content of signals processed by the peripheral system of environmental safety in the oil and gas industry
A.A. Burmaka - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southwestern State University, Kursk E-mail: kstu-bmi@yandex.ru T.N. Govorukhina - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southwestern State University, Kursk E-mail: govtn@mail.ru A.V. Mikhaylov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southwestern State University, Kursk E-mail: amikhayloff@yandex.ru
At present, an urgent task is the development of modern technological means to reduce the level of environmental risk associated with the operation of oil and gas industry. Consider the problem of optimal grouping signals with subsequent switched, based on the grouping results, and considering the fact that the individual sources may pass from one group to another over time. It is considered also that the flow rate can be varied, reaching critical values. The paper shows the construction of the verbal model of functioning of the circuit protection subsystem telemetry distributed type system. It is possible to distinguish the basic techniques of constructing a mathematical model and algorithm for estimating the information content of the current signs in the stream of input actions. As a characteristic evaluation of significance is proposed to use the normalized mutual information amount and sign of the source signals, and the average distance between features. The implementation of the algorithm of informative assessment of the current allowed to quickly select a predetermined time interval of the most important attributes for each source. It is also possible to form a combination of features that provide the minimum volume, the largest amount of information required for recognition and identification of the situation. Formation of an optimum combination of features that ensure a minimum quality index and allows the process to implement al-gorithmic adaptation subsystem TMS to change the flow characteristics of the input actions, and as a result - to ensure the required accuracy of the assessment of the situation in case of insufficient a priori and a posteriori information.
Pages: 57-62


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