350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Prediction of the degree of severity ischemic processes in the heart, brain and lower extremities based on fuzzy models
S.G. Emel-yanov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Rector, Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia
E-mail: kstu-bmi@yandex.ru
A.V. Bikov - Ph.D. (Med.), Cardiovascular Surgeon, Kurskaya Regional Clinical Hospital, Kursk, Russia
E-mail: kstu-bmi@yandex.ru
N.A. Korenevskiy - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia
E-mail: kstu-bmi@yandex.ru
Work is devoted to an actual problem of improvement of quality of an assessment of a condition of patients of the vascular defeats of various bodies having a combination including a brain, heart and the lower extremities.
As the main mathematical apparatus the fuzzy logic of decision-making focused on a basic formula E is chosen.
As a result of work of indistinct decisive rules confidence degree available of such states as pays off: latent, reversionny and critical.
During the carried-out statistical tests it has been shown that on all allocated classes of a state and all to the considered bodies the confidence in decision-making exceeds level 0,85.
Use of the results received in work allows to build rational schemes of prevention and treatment providing improvement of quality of life of the studied category of patients.
Pages: 4-9
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