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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The neurophysiological markers causing weight of insomnichesky frustration
E.V. Khivintseva - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, SamSMU, Samara, Russia. E-mail: elena.v.kh@mail.ru A.V. Zakharov - Ph.D.(Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, SamSMU, Samara, Russia. E-mail: zakharov1977@mail.ru O.I. Antipov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Bases of Designing and Technologies of Radio Engineering Systems, PSUTI, Samara, Russia. E-mail: oleg1307@mail.ru N.P. Romanchuk - Post-graduate Student, Department of Normal Physiology, SamSMU, Samara, Russia. E-mail: zakharov1977@mail.ru
Insomniya - the syndrome which is characterized by difficulty of falling asleep, maintenance of a dream, early awakening and a dissatisfaction with quality of a night dream. According to a number of authors more than 1/3 population suffer from an insomniya [3, 5, 6]. The psychophysiological insomniya is observed practically in 15% at the request of patients for medical care concerning complaints to sleeplessness [7]. At objectification of the complaints to an insomniya shown by the patient on the first place there is a polisomnografichesky research. Specifications for its wide circulation in the form of automation of interpretation of stages of a dream are created [1, 2, 4]. Changes of polisomnografichesky indicators of a night dream at 60 patients with a psychophysiological insomniya are studied. The linear model of formation of a psychophysiological insomniya is created, influence of various polisomnografichesky indicators on expressivenesses of an insomniya is estimated. (Proceeding from values of a standard deviation) the following indicators were the changeablest: TST, N1, N2. Big stability was shown by such indicators as REM/TST (%)  dream REM time from the general time of a dream. Despite a set of authentically changing parameters, the main predictors in the form of latency of REM of a dream, relative time of a medlennovolnovy dream and the number of spontaneous activation of EEG participate in model of this form of an insomniya. These supervision testify to importance in the organization of a night dream of the first cycle of a dream (its violation leads to lengthening of latency of REM of a dream). At the same time lack of influence of relative duration of REM of a dream on weights of an insomniya speaks about safety of representation of this stage. It testifies to stability of REM of a dream at a psychophysiological insomniya. Decrease in relative time of a medlennovolnovy dream, with secondary increase in time of superficial stages of a dream testifies to their importance in formation of subjective feeling of quality of a night dream. The con-tribution of spontaneous activation of EEG to formation of a psychophysiological insomniya demands further studying. Though in excessive activity of the systems forming the patterns given to EEG perhaps pathogenetic mechanisms of formation of a psycho-physiological insomniya lie.
Pages: 54-57


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