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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of sports techniques by biomechanical and electromyographic parameters in powerlifting in athletes with lesions of the musculoskeletal system
sports technique
the lesions of neuro-musculoskeletal system
competitive exercise bench press
A.B. Trembach - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of the Department «Adaptive Physical Culture», Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: alex_trem@mail.ru
I.N. Fedorova - Post-graduate Student, Department «Adaptive Physical Culture», Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: fedorova327@gmail.com
М.А. Lipatnikova - Senior Lecturer, Department «Adaptive Physical Culture», Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: doc kgafk.ru
E.R. Minihanova - Student, Department «Adaptive Physical Culture», Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: sport.katerinra@mail.ru
Sports results in powerlifting as in other sports are of complex-coordinating nature and depend significantly on sports technique, in particular from its basic elements (significant functional space-time intervals to perform exercises) that determine athletic perfor-mance [2]. In the adaptive sport single elements of the technique providing a high result can vary considerably according to the type of pathology [1]. However, their evaluation criteria are currently exercise developed insufficiently. Most authors consider sports technique disregarding the full range of kinematic, dynamic and electromyographic parameters of this competition exercise
[3, 4]. Under this approach, it is difficult to estimate objectively the internal and external structure of the motions in powerlifting and identify functionally significant spaеtio-temporal intervals of itsrealization. In view of the aforesaid this research was undertaken.
The purpose of research was to develop a method of complex analysis of competitive exercise bench press and to identify functional-ly significant spatio-temporal intervals its implementation on the kinematic, dynamic and electromyographic parameters.
Analysis of the sports technique of the bench press competition exercise of 18-25 years the 16 sportsmen with lesions of the neuro-musculoskeletal system was carried out in the hardware and software complex developed in conjunction with «OKB «RITM» [4] and completed by video analysis module. This approach allowed to register simultaneously studied parameters by 3 modules. Video analysis module ensured registration of vertical components of the bar motion with respect to the athlete-s body, its speed and acceleration; tensometry module recorded efforts (balistogramm) developed by athlete in vertical direction by bench pressing located in the shoulder and waist; electromyographic module synchronously with biomechanical parameters recorded the enveloping electromyogram of 8 symmetrical muscles during realizatio of the implementation of the exercise (M. pectoralis major, dexter et sinister; M. triceps brachii, dexter et sinister; M. biceps brachii, dexter et sinister; M. latissimus dorsi dexter et sinister).
In the most significant stage (the actual mode of the bar) isolated two periods and four phases were marked in it. 1 period (acceleration of the bar up) the first phase is from the starting moment of the barbell movement downward until the moment of development of the maximum effort decrease and barbell acceleration; 2 phase is from the moment of development of the maximum effort decrease and barbell acceleration until the moment of its minimum speed development. 2 period (Inhibition of the bar) is divided into two phases. 1 phase is from the moment of the barbell minimum speed development until the moment of the maximum effort increase and barbell acceleration. 2 phase is from the moment of development of the maximum effort increase and barbell acceleration until minimum values of kinematic and dynamic parameters. The electrical activity of the muscles studied, recorded synchronously with the mechanical parameters in the performance of competitive exercise has identified a role for each of them outlined above periods and phases. Analysis of biomechanical and electromyographic parameter allows to select the most informative in terms of sports techniques during stages, periods and phases of bench in powerlifting and quantify.
Pages: 44-46
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