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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The effect of modulation of sensorimotor EEG rhythms
M.S. Sergeeva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Normal Physiology, Head of the laboratory of applied neurophysiology, Center breakthrough research «IT-medicine», Samara state medical university, Samara, Russia. E-mail: marsergr@yandex.ru V.F. Pyatin - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology, Head of the Department of neurointerface and applied neurophysiology, Center Breakthrough Research «IT-medicine», Samara state medical university, Samara, Russia. E-mail: pyatin_vf@list.ru A.V. Kolsanov - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Operative Surgery, clinical anatomy course with innovative technologies, Head of the Center breakthrough research «IT-medicine», Samara state medical university, Samara, Russia. E-mail: avkolsanov@mail.ru A.V. Zakharov - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Head of the laboratory of neurointerfaces, Center breakthrough research «IT-Medicine», Samara state medical university, Samara, Russia. E-mail: zakha-rov1977@mail.ru O.I. Antipov - Dr. Sc. (Philos.), Professor, Department of the Foundations of the Design and Technology of Radio Systems, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Head of the Biophysics Laboratory, Center breakthrough research «IT-vedicine», Samara state medical university, Samara, Russia. E-mail: oleg1307@mail.ru E.S. Korovina - Senior Assistant, Department of Normal Physiology, Samara state medical university, Samara, Russia. E-mail: korovina_ekateri@mail.ru
The purpose of the study - to investigate the changes in the power of sensorimotor EEG rhythms at imagination dual-track movements in the dominant hand in a post-tetanic potentiation. Seven right-handed subjects aged 18-19 years took part in the study who gave their written informed consent. EEG was recorded monopolar using "Neuron-Spectrum-4/VPM" system. 17 high-density EEG electrodes were localized according to the system 10-10 in projections of the motor and somatosensory areas of the left hemisphere. EEG was recorded during movement planning in the dominant hand (fingers flexion, elbow flexion) before and after simulation of the planned motor pattern in the dominant hand using the machine for the rehabilitation Power Plate (frequency of the muscle contractions 30 Hz, acceleration of proprioceptors stimulation 18 m / s² (Low level), 31 m / s² (High level), the simulation time - 30 seconds) [1, 3, 4]. During EEG recording participants sat in the dark soundproof room with closed eyes. We used non-parametric and regression statistical analysis of event-related synchronization / desynchronization (ERS / ERD) sensorimotor EEG rhythms: alpha1 (8.0-10.0 Hz), alpha 2 (10,1-12,9 Hz), beta1 (13.0-19.9 Hz), beta 2 (20,0-35,0 Hz) using IBM SPSS Statistics 22. After simulation of the motor pattern we found an increase in the significance of ERS / ERD planned movements and the activation area of motor and somatosensory centers of the cerebral cortex. It was noted a significant increase in sensitivity and specificity of power changes in the EEG sensorimotor rhythms. Identification of possibility differentiation changes in the power of sensorimotor EEG rhythms at imagination dual-track movements in the dominant hand will allow to increase number of teams in the brain-computer interface for device management [2]. The observed rapid functional restructuring (recruitment) in the activity of cortical areas in the planning of movements will allow the use of EEG signals from the intact cortical areas for external control in the case of focal lesions.
Pages: 28-30


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