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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Transformation of biological and social feedback in the conditions of neuro-technology development
L.V. Poskotinova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Ph.D. (Med.), Associat Professor, Head of Biorhythmology Laboratory, Federal Centre for Integrated Arctic Research, The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named by M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia. E-mail: liliya200572@mail.ru D.B. Demin - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Biorhythmology, Federal Centre for Integrated Arctic Research, The Institute of Environmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Arkhangelsk, Russia. E-mail: denisdemin@mail.ru
Effective development of neural network modeling technology is possible by taking into account the maximum diversity of feedbacks in the interaction between subjects and objects, between the control center and controllable functions. Based on P.K. Anochin-s functional systems theory, I.P. Pavlov-s theory about conditioned reflexes and K.V. Sudakov-s theory about dynamic stereotypes of brain function the report summarizes information about feedback at the level of the human body and about biofeedback. Using the example of heart rate variability biofeedback, the biofeedback principle has been presented in some detail and advantages (including ethic part) of using this type of biofeedback compared with neuro-biofeedback have been identified. Information about the levels integration of controlled physiological signals - from biophysical characteristics of a specific organ-s signal to the integral index as a mathematical reflection of system-s functions have been summarized. It has been shown that the level of integration (complexity) can be achieved at a certain level, thereby creating a certain image that will act as a controllable parameter (the image of the man, the image of the situation), through which one can control the human body\'s functions. The problem of changing the social perception concept as a reflection of social feedbacks when a person is involved in the interaction with entities on Web-based social networks has been identified. On these networks, it is possible that a subject might communicate not only with another person, but also with «bio-informative construct», namely, a person with a counterfeit photo and text describing him. Under these conditions, a functional system to achieve desired results (satisfaction of the need for social and emotional interaction) significantly changes its structure by reducing the diversity of afferent inputs, extension time feedback from the object interaction, thereby increasing the uncertainty of emotionally relevant information from the object. This situation causes significant physiological stress and extinction of new conditioned reflexes. However, the maintenance of an active state of this functional system is provided by the external and internal influences on subject\'s brain activity. This was shown using the examples of social events, including with the use of artistic means, methods of maintenance of motivational excitation, introduction of certainty in terms of information, and achievement of a positive result through these actions. In condition of afferent-s deficiency internal effects are in the formation of additional feedbacks in the brain between the acceptor of the actual result of the behavior and dynamic stereotypes of the expected (desired) object-s behavior. As a result, a person on social networks can engage in dialogue not only with the object on the other side of the screen, but with himself (feedbacks become isolated at the brain of person-object). This type of communication offers advantages for the person in comparison to communication in the real world, because a person has a need for self-generated companionship with desired emotional, psychological and sexual characteristics. The foregoing ideas of functional systems brain transformation in an individual are used to comprehend growing volume of contradictory information about the impact on psycho-physiological state and social behavior of an individual with the advent of online social networks. Documented data on both the negative impacts of human involvement in Web-based communication (Internet addiction, Facebook depression, changes in eating and sexual behavior, risk of suicide), and positive influences (assistance in the socialization of older people, people with disabilities and serious illnesses) have been summarized. In this regard, it has been proposed for discussion pessimistic and optimistic scenarios of the further development of society from the perspective of the transformation set of feedbacks that involve modern humans and computers.
Pages: 21-23


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