350 rub

Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Equipment measurement and evaluation components of the electromagnetic biofield and its application in medical technology
bioelectromagnetic field (BEMF)
phase shift calculation
topology estimate
of the equipotential surfaces
before disease
scanners biofield electromagnetic shell
Y.P. Kravchenko (1947 - 2016) - Academician of Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences
A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent Agency «©Uniquely Honest Patenting» www.patenttt.narod.ru, Scientific Coordinator of the Permanent Seminar «Neyrophylosophy» of the Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: gmkristo@yandex.ru
In the article the results of research many years in the physics of ultra-weak electromagnetic fields, namely, bio-medical applications in the development field of fundamentally new models of diagnostic medical equipment, were established on the basis of the new biosimilar intellectual-informational methodology.
The PHASE-AURAMETR series is devices are designed for the measurement and evaluation of the external bio-electromagnetic field (BEMF) a person was called us «aural» and are highly sensitive measuring instruments of EMF biological objects in the range of 5-10 kHz.
At present, it worked out and produced stationary and portable miniature versions of the PHASE-AURAMETR. Au-tomatic stationary scanner field is under development.On all devices and applications were obtained the patents of Russian Federation [3]. In addition, there is a certificate of conformity issued by the Ministry of Health. Produced examination status and dynamics of change in the treatment of more than 4,500 patients. According to the results of work carried out over 90 scientific publications.
Besides Russia, the device has received the application in more than 20 countries - Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Baltic States, Austria, Greece, Cyprus, Germany, France, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Colombia, South Korea and Australia, etc.
This work was financially supported by RHSF in grant № 15-03-00519а «Post-non-classic paradigm of artificial intellect».
Pages: 64-68
- Patent № 4902 (RF). Ustrojjstvo dlja ocenki ehlektromagnitnogo polja bioobekta // JU.P. Kravchenko, A.S. Gorjukhin, N.V. Kalashchenko, A.V. Savelev.
- Patent № 2089235 (RF). Sposob auralnojj korrekcii / L.M. Bakusov,N.V. Kalashchenko, JU.P. Kravchenko, A.V. Savelev.
- Patent № 2118181 (RF). Sposob zashhity ot ehlektromagnitnykh anomalijj u poverkhnosti Zemli / JU.P. Kravchenko, A.S. Gorjukhin, A.P. Dubrov, A.V. Savelev.
- Kravchenko JU.P, Savelev A.V. Otvet na statju Igorja Volkova «IGA-1: mify i realnost» // ZHFNN. 2013. № 3(1). S. 115-118. http://www.unconv-science.org/pdf/3/kravchenko-ru.pdf