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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Influence of acoustic EEG dependent stimulation on the verbal and figurative working memory parametrs
K.V. Konstantinov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Institute of Experimental Medicine», Saint Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: synhros@yandex.ru
M.K. Leonova - Laboratory Assistant, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Institute of Experimental Medicine», Saint Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: leomara89@mail.ru
Earlier it was reported that bioacoustic correction method explicated by separate listening to sounds synchronized with own temporal lobes and end-lobes EEG increases the rate of choice behavior according to the modality of the stimulus and the EEG registration point location. In this paper we represent the short-term memory research realized by the separate listening to acoustic stimuli synchronized with own temporal lobes and end-lobes EEG in real time. Separate listening to acoustic stimuli synchronized with the right and left temporal regions leads to the selective improvement of verbal working memory and imaginative working memory. Procedures of listening to the acoustic image of the EEG of the left temporal region leads to increasing of the volume of memorized verbal information. Procedures of listening to the acoustic image of the EEG of the right temporal region leads to increasing of the volume of memorized visual information.
Pages: 58-60
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