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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Magnetocardiographic technology of human heart investigations
M.A. Primin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, NAS of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine). Е-mail: prima_ma@inbox.ru Yu.V. Maslennikov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), General Director of CRYOTON Co. Ltd. (Moscow), Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Biomedical Electronics, Kotel-nikov Institue of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS - IRE RAS (Moscow). E-mail: cryoton@inbox.ru I.V. Nedayvoda - Research Scientist, V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, NAS of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine). E-mail: igorvlad@inbox.ru Yu.V. Gulyaev - Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Professor, Research Manager of the Kotel-nikov Institue of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS - IRE RAS (Moscow). E-mail: gulyaev@cplire.ru
Magnetocardiography (MCG) is an electophysiological study of the heart based on the registration and analysis of magnetic field, generated by the intracellular currents in a myocardium. Non-contact measurements (in air, over to a human chest) of parameters of human heart-s magnetic field and correct reconstruction of spatial distribution of field sources in the heart made possible to «view» early changing of spatial structure of ion currents, which are markers of following pathology. Magnetocardiographic technology of investigation is realized by technical and program-instrumental means, united in created diagnostic complexes of «MAG-SCAN» series, and is new medical technology on Russian Federation. Series «MAG-SCAN» of diagnostic complexes were taken through technical and clinical testing, are registered in Roszdravnadzor and are allowed for using in Russian Federation. Description of technology of realization of magnetocardiographic investigation, which includes preparation stage, registration of magnetocardiographic signals (MCS), recording of results to database and realization of preliminary data analysis in automatic regime, are represented in paper. As result of preliminary data processing (digital filtration and cardiocycles averaging), file of averaged cardiocycles for 36 spatial points, where MCS were registered, is formed for each type of QRS complexes. Obtained results are used for realization of construction and analysis of dynamic set of magnetic field-s maps for selected timepoints of averaged cardiocycles. Investigation and analysis of homogeneity of repolarization of heart-s ventricular system are carried out at the first stage of MCS processing with using of new special software, realized as Spcwin.exe program unit. Reconstruction and analysis of magnetic field-s sources, distributed in heart-s volume, are realized at the next step. By its mathematical formulation, at this step of investigation, methods of magnetometric data transformation are correspondent to solution of problem, named as inverse problem of magnetostatics. Magnetostatic inverse problem solution is realized in dipole approach (software unit Maploc.exe) and in approach of system of currents, distributed at plane, which is "cross-section" to the heart volume and is parallel to measurement plane (software unit Curwin.exe). Obtained accuracy of coordinates determination of focal (point) source of magnetic signal is less than 5 mm. Analysis of maps of currents distribution is used for pathologies, connected with changing of electrophysiological parameters in larger volume of heart : detection of patient with ischemic decease of heart (CAD), monitoring of cardiopatients after (and in time) of several courses of treatment: localization of area of coronal artery, which is caused CAD and so on. Results of MCG investigations for two group of patients - 53 healthy volunteers, which have not any heart disease in anamnesis, and 63 patients, which have heart abnormalities in heart functioning, are described. Analysis of MCG records was realized with help of classification rule, which is based on three significant variables and allow to classify of investigated groups with sensitivity 86% and specificity 93%.
Pages: 3-22


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