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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Experimental evaluation of influence exerted by the low intensity microwave radiation upon the mice subject to alcohol intoxication
influence of microwave radiation
influence of ethanol water solution
alcohol intoxication
parameters of condi-tioned-reflex activity
behavioral characteristics of animals
V.V. Sofronov = Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Military Academy of NBC Defense named after S.K. Timoshenko. E-mail: vv-sofronov@yandex.ru
S.N. Shabunin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Eltsin; Deputy Director of Electronics and Information Technology Institute. E-mail: shab313@yandex.ru
S.D. Jaremchuk - Post-Graduate Student, Military Academy of NBC Defense Named after S.K. Timoshenko. E-mail: prak-tik09@yandex.ru
The study described in the article was carried out by the workers of Military academy of NBC defense (Kostroma) together with the Electronics and Information Technology Institute of Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg).
The article examines the effects produced by the low intensity microwave radiation (23, 26, 30 GHz) upon the mice, which are in condition of alcohol intoxication. The article gives the description of the experiment that was carried out to estimate the effects produced by the low intensity microwave radiation upon the mice, which are in condition of alcohol intoxication, basing on alcohol intoxication model described in conditioned-reflex parameters. The work provides also the analysis of its results.
Within the scope of the research we studied the conditioned-reflex parameters and behavioral characteristics of mice in different situations (exposed only to microwave radiation 23 GHz, exposed only to 40% ethanol water solution, exposed to 40% ethanol water solution and microwave radiation 23 GHz, exposed to 40% ethanol water solution, exposed to 40% ethanol water solution and microwave radiation 26 GHz, exposed to 40% ethanol water solution, exposed to 40% ethanol water solution and microwave radiation 29 GHz.
The results of the study demonstrate that the conditioned-reflex parameters of the mice exposed only to ethanol water solution significantly differ from the conditioned-reflex parameters of the mice in normal condition. The microwave radiation and placebo provides no effect onto conditioned-reflex parameters of the mice. But the microwave radiation provides significant effect on to mice, which are in condition of alcohol intoxication, their conditioned-reflex parameters become normal and can be compared to the parameters of the mice in normal condition.
It also should be noted that the behavior of the animals, which are in condition of alcohol intoxication, changes and becomes usual after the microwave radiation.
Pages: 39-45
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