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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The method of estimating the state of the cardiovascular system in healthy people for the selection for team of cosmonauts
cardiovascular system
the trend of the electrocardiogram waves amplitude and blood biochemical parameters
N.V. Savina - Senior Research Scientist, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Sciences, Moscow
L.Kh. Bragin - Dr.Sc. (Med.), State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Sciences, Moscow. E-mail: dmit.msk@yandex.ru
A. M .Nosovsky - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and Federal State Budgetary Institution of Sciences, Moscow. E-mail: nam@imbp.ru
Electrocardiography is indispensable technique for the diagnostics of disorders of rhythm and conduction, myocardial hypertrophy of the atria and ventricles, initial ischemia of myocardium and other disorders. The main task of the study was developing a rapid method for assessing the state of the cardiovascular system in healthy subjects by means of evaluating periodical variation of R-wave amplitude. Primarily, the advantages of this study relate to the evaluation of R-wave configuration and height with parallel determination of blood biochemical parameters. The directed curves (trends) of R-wave amplitudes and blood biochemical parameters were established. The study involved 180 healthy people. The decomposition of the time series on trends revealed three types of trend, namely the trend down, the trend up and the horizontal trend. The trends represent the model of exponential series and exponentially modulated harmonic. It turned out that the trend up was typical for people with symptoms of ischemia. Horizontal trend was typical for healthy individuals. Trend down was typical for people with hypertension at the moment of the test. Thus, the proposed method can be used for screening and mass medical examination of patients.
Pages: 22-27
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