350 rub

Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
System frequencies and the quantization of the spec-trum of resonant radio transparency of the water en-vironment in radio range
resonance radio transparency
water and biological environments
the indirect method of radio raying
EHF/SHF radio spectrometry
molecular structure
direct method radio transmission
panoramic-spectrometric complex
resonant spectra
the doublet resonance frequencies
electric and magnetic dipoles
systematization and quantization of spectra
«translational» and « absorption» resonances
water is a quantum liquid
А.V. Mayborodin - Ph.D. (Eng.) (1942-2010)
V.I. Petrosyan - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, Research and Production Company «TELEMAC», Saratov
E-mail: voldemarakva@yandex.ru
O.V. Betskiy - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, IRE RAS, Moscow, E-mail: betskii@yandex.ru
S.V. Vlaskin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Technical Director, Research and Production Company «TELEMAC», Saratov
E-mail: vl@telemak-saratov.ru; E-mail: s-vlaskin@yandex.ru
S.A. Dubovitskiy - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), General Director, Research and Production Company «TELEMAC», Saratov
E-mail: vl@telemak-saratov.ru
The unique electromagnetic properties of aqueous and biological environments - resonant wave condition, the resonant radio and transparency between the range of conversion of low-intensity radio waves the IR resonance, EHF and SHF SHF radio range of 1 GHz have been found [1-11] and played independent experiments in the EHF range [12] \"indirect\" method of EHF / SHF radio spectrometer.
The EHF / SHF radio spectrometer uses the phenomenon of resonance between the range conversion frequency radio waves - SPE-effect [13, 14].
The use of SPE-effect allows you to replace a set of tunable receivers IR, EHF and SHF SHF band radiometer with a fixed resonance frequency of administration of 1 GHz, which greatly simplifies the method of broadband rf.
But the question of the adequacy of the method.
Research is devoted to the discovery and systematization of the spectra of resonant radio transparent aqueous and biological en-vironments in the SHF and EHF bands by direct radio raying the purpose of the test method between the range of radiographic.
To study the resonance spectra of water by direct radio raying developed panoramically spectrometry complex with quasi-optical paths spanning the frequency range of 18-160 GHz, and measurement of reflection coefficients and transmission method of thin layers of water.
With the use of the complex played resonances detected indirectly by EHF / SHF radio spectrometer and new resonant frequencies are determined. The resonant frequencies are organized by type N101 and E101 radio waves excited in a molecular structure having magnetic and electric dipoles:
H-series: the first line doublet, GHz - 25.1-50.3-100.6-150.9 ...;
the second line of the doublet, GHz - 25.9-51.8-103.6-155.4 ...;
E-series: the first line doublet, GHz - 32.2-64.5-129 ...;
the second line of the doublet, GHz - 32.7-65.5-131 ...
Second doublets in each series 50.3, 51.8 and GHz 64,5, 65,5 GHz are fundamental, basic natural frequencies of the aquatic envi-ronment and doublets higher frequency - harmonics.
According to the laws of the location of the spectral lines the multiplicity and equidistant frequency doublets of both types are similar to the spectrum of a linear harmonic oscillator quantum [15]:
νn = εn/h = nν1, (n = 1, 2, 3?).
The difference lies in the absence of half the resonant frequency, which are shown only in polarized respectively magnetic and electric field condition aqueous medium:
ν1/2 = ε1(Н, Е)/h.
The quantum resonant spectrum of presentation of water shows the relationship of the resonance frequencies of radio transparency and water absorption - \"broadcasting\" and \"absorption\" of the resonances frequency resonance absorption Δν1n multiple frequency resonant transparency vn:
Δν1n = νn = nν1, (n = 1, 2, 3?).
A manifestation of the quantization of the spectrum of natural frequencies of molecular resonance oscillators water-wave state opens a fundamental property of water as quantum resonant wave liquid.
This is confirmed also observed in the water in the radio range of analogue quantum effects Zeeman and Stark Faraday.
With the use of SHF panoramically developed spectrometric complex by direct radio raying proved the objectivity of the method SHF radio spectrometer using SPE-effect between a range of conversion of the resonance frequencies. The method can be recommended for analytical and practical studies of radio-physical properties of water and biological fluids.
Water molecular system in the liquid phase is in the chord of resonance-wave state and is resonance-wave quantum liquid.
Pages: 37-45
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