350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Strategic goals of NBIC-convergence: the convergence of knowledge, technology and society
O.E. Backsanskiy - Dr. Sc. ( Philos.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Philosophy Institute of RAS. E-mail: obucks@mail.ru
Article represents new analytical futurology of science, mainly biomedicine, information technologies and directly with them the related branches, at various stages XXI centuries as chains of consequences of possible development of NBIKS (nano - bio - info - kogno- and soсial and humanitarian technologies). The predictive period is divided into groups - till 2020, 2020-2040, 2045-2050, 2040-2070, to 2085. The general analysis of futurological provisions allowed to formulate them not only as prognostics, but also as set of the major problems which are subject to the decision in the designated temporary limits. The priority methodology of forecasting with use of network information technologies, adequate to a new convergent paradigm of science is developed. Reasonably, safely and effectively to use all these achievements, to bring a modern technosphere into harmony with the nature, it is necessary to consider and use regularities of transformation of consciousness, mentality of the person. The person as the subject of the practical and informative relation to the world itself becomes sooner or later object of scientific and technological influence. It can be carried out by connection of opportunities of NBIC technologies with achievements of the social and humanities technologies. On this way the space of convergent technologies gets one more measurement - social and humanitarian, and convergent unity nano - bio - info - cognitive technologies is supplemented with social and humanitarian technologies, becoming already NBICS-technologies. It does them by the practical instrument of formation of qualitatively new technosphere which will become organic part of the nature.
Pages: 5-13


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