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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Thermographic comparison of a patient body response to the impact of low-frequency electric field and hand mas-sage for a scoliosis treatment
L.V. Zhorina - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Assistant Professor, Department «Biomedical Techniques Systems», Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: larisa7777@li.ru T.N. Zaytseva - Junior Research Scientist, Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Moscow Е-mail: zaytn@mail.ru M.I. Kozhevnikova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research, Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology (Moscow) Е-mail: kozmi39@rambler.ru K.G. Maximova - Bachelor, Department «Biomedical Techniques Systems», Bauman Moscow State Tech-nical University E-mail: moi_milo@mail.ru
There are various methods of scoliosis treatment. The traditional manual massage and low-frequency electric field (LFEF) therapy are among them. In this study the impact of manual massage and LFEF therapy are compared according to thermography by the fixed temperature method. Children 12...14 years with a diagnosis of scoliosis 1-2 degrees without obvious signs of inflammation and normal body temperature were surveyed. LFEF exposure was performed by apparatus «ELGOS» (Russia) successively at frequencies of 180 ... 200 Hz, 80 Hz and 20 ... 30 Hz for 15 minutes. Hand massage was performed for 10 minutes. Visualization of thermal field was carried out with the help of thermograph «IRTIS - 2000ME» (Russia). A gradual heating of the overall body was observed after the manual massage procedure of the entire back and only on half one. It was found hemodynamics and microcirculation amending on both sides of the back that can be attributed to the peculiarities of blood supply to the muscles of the back, the large number of collaterals. The time dependences of the back temperature upon the manual massage and asymmetrical power load were similar so we concluded that the heating mechanisms were identical and associated with both increased blood flow and the heat production due to energy supply ATP synthesis in muscles receiving physical load one way or another. After LFEF exposure a decrease in body temperature between 0 and 20 minutes was observed followed by its heating with a maxi-mum of 60 ... 80 minutes after the procedure. Time dependences of temperature fields of the back upon symmetric and asymmetric with respect to the spine the impact of LFEF are similar. The observed dependences differ significantly from the time dependences of the temperature fields upon the manual back massage, that may indicate different mechanisms of temperature changes. Since changes in the environment conditions during and after LFEF exposure did not occur in this case, the peripheral temperature skin re-ceptors must not be involved in the effect observed by us. The low frequency electromagnetic waves length surpasses the dimension of the human body, so that the entire body is exposed to such waves. We assume that upon LFEF exposure internal temperature re-ceptors is activated, which will result in the transfer of information to the hypothalamus thermoregulatory center, that will start the process of body cooling. This effect may be similar to the reaction of mucosal cold receptors on menthol. The observed temperature increase of the body surface since the recession can be explained by the activation of the heat production center due to the tempera-ture decrease in the hypothalamus, caused by a previous process of losing heat of the body.
Pages: 48-57


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