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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Application of computer model of the brain for evaluation of intellect
neural computer model
functional systems
acceptor of actions results
detector intelligence
E.A. Umriukhin - Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr.Sci. (Biol.), Ph.D (Eng.), Head of Neurocybernetics Laboratory, FSBSO Institute of Normal Physiology by named of P.K. Anokhin RAS (Moscow). E-mail: eaumin@mail.ru
The proposed computer model of organization of psychical human activity differs from known models, which are based on neuronal and synaptic nets. The model reproduces proposed by P.K. Anokhin representation of mechanisms of psychical human activity based on system architectonics of functional system. The model represents the stages of afferent synthesis, decision making, and prediction of needed results - acceptor of actions results and estimation of parameters of the achieved results by back afferentation.
The dynamic of system organization of proposed model is build by discreet system quanta from the need to its satisfaction. Systemic principles of the model allow to reveal and estimate individual parameters of systemic results of subjects behavior.
The application of the model to estimation of parameters of system organization of human psychical activities allows to estimate quantitatively such parameters as rapidity and exactitude of decision making under complex multyparameter conditions when working with complex control panels of modern automatic stations and to estimate individual human possibilities to solve problems of operators activities under conditions requiring decision making in complex multiparametic environment.
The analysis of data obtained has shown that the choice of actions produced by 18 % subjects statistically coincided with optimal choice of actions by the model. The model revealed the decline from optimal choice of actions in realization of different system stages in achieving required results in correspondence with instruction given to the subjects. The most often decline from optimal was observed in realization of acceptor of results of actions - the apparatus of control of results obtained and their correspondence to results expected.
The work was supported financially by RFH in grants № 15-03-00519а «Post-non-classic paradigm of artificial intellect».
Pages: 40-46
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