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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Possibility of determination of magnetosensitivity patient as reaction of organism at the magnetotherapy of general influence
S.S. Gostev Ph.D.(Eng.), Deputy General Director, JSC "Concern GRANIT", Ryazan. E-mail: gostevss@mail.ru Y.L. Gosteva Senior Lecturer, Department of Information-Measuring and Biomedical Engineering, Ryazan State Radio Engi-neering University. E-mail: gostevayul@mail.ru
The analysis of the methods of determining magnetosensitivity patient. It is shown, that all methods are used as the impact of permanent magnets or a local pulsed magnetic field. When using the magnetic field generated magnetotherapy apparatus of the overall impact, as the load test in determining magnetosensitivity patient it is necessary to analyze the changes in the subsystems of the organism, the reaction to magneto-therapeutic exposure, which is as fast as possible. The process of measuring the selected parameters should be easily automated. It is shown that for the evaluation of magnetosensitivity patient, as a response to integrated magneto-therapeutic exposure, it is enough to analyze the reaction of the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory systems of the body. This allows the use to determine magnetosensitivity patient feedback channel that is implemented in the complex of Chronomagnetotherapy «Multimag». In order to determine the inversion magnetosensitivity the patient must be complex «Multimag» optionally implement channel remote temperature measurement of a biological object. This will enable an evaluation of magnetosensitivity patient when using as a test (load) impact of therapeutic methods. That can lead to improving the effectiveness of magnetic therapy as a therapeutic class of treatment by assessing the condition of the patient selected treatment methods before the therapeutic influence.
Pages: 21-25


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