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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Interactions of the main nervous processes on the example of proof tests and a computer game
G.I. Shulgina - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Faculty of Psychology, State Academy of Slavic Culture (Moscow). E-mail: shulgina28@mail.ru D.A. Berezhnaya - Acting Head of Department of Psychological Researches, SBU, «MITs» (Moscow). Е-mail: dashur@list.ru D.S. Berezhnoy - Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Engineer, Chair of Higher Nervous Activity, Moscow State University (Moscow). Е-mail: dashur@list.ru O.N. Volkova - Student, Faculty of Psychology, State Academy of Slavic Culture (Moscow). Е-mail: shulgina28@mail.ru E.A Zyablitseva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Military University (Moscow). Е-mail: evgeniazia@mail.ru E.A. Karavayeva - Ph.D. (Psychol.), Head of Psychological Service, GBON SOSh 799 (Moscow). E-mail: shulgina28@mail.ru
Practice of pedagogies, medicine, choice of profession, selection of personnel demands objective studying and exact diagnostics of individual psycho physiological properties of nervous system of the person. We offer a way of detection of properties of the main nervous processes: excitement, inhibition and a disinhibition with application of the computer games (CG) and equipment like the proof tests (PT). Examinees were divided on age: 1) school students - 12-13 years (52 persons), 2) students - 18-20 years (41 persons), 3) the combined group designated as middle age - 30-55 years (32 persons). Comparison of reliability of differences of number of mistakes at examinees of different age was carried out by nonparametric criterion of Mann-Whitney. The conducted researches revealed any distinctions of parameters of work with PT and CG at separate individuals and people of different age. It is shown that school students differ from adults in bigger by unstable attention, inertia of exciting and inhibition processes and smaller resistance to action of extraneous stimuli. Interesting data on possibility of identification of interaction of the instruction and last experience in consciousness of the subjects in the course of performance of the next task are received. The approach, offered by us, to an assessment of properties and conditions of nervous system at development of active and inhibition conditioned reflexes with application of PT and CG probably can be considered as the productive technique supplementing the available any tests in psychophysiology. At further more expanded research and development of accurate indicators of norm and deviations from it, that and other test can be widely used in practice of pedagogies and medicine.
Pages: 96-97