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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The dissection of cognitive economy principle
M.D. Terekhov - Post-graduate Student, Philosophy of Science Department, Philosophy faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow). E-mail: stereodrome@yandex.ru
The principle of cognitive economy (PCE) is supposed to be one of the central in cognitive science. Both old mechanical models of mind and contemporary neurodynamic/neuroeconomic ones contain some variant of PCE. In short the thing is that knowledge is understood analogous to commodities in economics (except that the price involves not only money but also time, effort etc.). From the standpoint of cognitive modelling PCE may be decomposed into following theses: (1) economy is rooted in a local ontology and primed by culture and past experience; (2) economy results in neglecting certain (crossing but not identical) kinds of data: infrequent, complex, inconsistent and irrelevant.
Pages: 84-85


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