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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Active avoidance reaction and its functional impairment under the influence of immunoactive skin drug K-activin in rats
A.V. Kryuchkova - Junior Research Scientist, FSBIS SRI PCM FMBA of Russia; Leading Engineer, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow). E-mail: likkavolkhova@mail.ru A.N. Inozemtsev - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow). E-mail: A_Inozemtsev@mail.ru O.V. Belova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Head of Laboratory, FSBIS SRI PCM FMBA of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: olgabelova49@yandex.ru T.A. Lukanidina - Research Scientist, FSBIS SRI PCM FMBA of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: tlukanidina@yandex.ru S.N. Moskvina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, FSBIS SRI PCM FMBA of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: kasya45@yandex.ru I.V. Zimina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, FSBIS SRI PCM FMBA of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: Yangicher@yandex.ru E.V. Shmeleva - Junior Research Scientist, FSBIS SRI PCM FMBA of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: kovalevaek101000@gmail.com
Recently in the study of the interaction of the immune and nervous systems, influence of the immunoactive drugs on higher nervous activity has being analyzed. K-activin is the immunoactive drug of hog skin. In this paper, we investigated the effects of K-activin on active avoidance reaction in rats and its functional impairment induced by acute changes in cause-effect (the disruption of avoidance response) and spatial relationships in the experimental environment [1]. The work was conducted in male rats Wistar (n = 19) weighting from 150 to 200 g at the beginning of the experiment. Daily for 5 days, animals were intraperitoneally injected by K-activin (0.1 mg per rat). Control animals were injected with saline. Then rats were trained to avoidance reaction, training was performed for 5 days (20 presentations of stimuli each day). The conditioned stimulus was the sound of an electric bell and the unconditioned stimulus was painful stimulation with an electric current. When animals were learned (80% of avoidance reaction), the disruption of avoidance response was produced (the reaction ceased to lead to turn off the current, and the animals received 5 electric shock). Then during 20 trials, the level of avoidance was tested in the usual conditions. A day later avoidance was restored and spatial reversal learning through rearrangement was produced (the position of aperture between sectors of the shuttle box was changed). Then during 20 trials, the level of avoidance was tested in the new conditions. It was found that K-activin treated animals learn faster, starting from the 2nd day, than the control rats, so that the number of avoidance responses becomes more and escape responses - less. Only by the fifth experiment day, groups got equal extent of active avoidance training. Both the disruption of avoidance and spatial alteration caused a sharp significant decrease in the level of avoidance in control animals. K-activin precluded the disruption of avoidance responses and diminished the consequences of spatial rearrangement. The comparison of the results with the previously obtained [2, 3] suggests a nootropic and stress-protecting properties of K-activin. The reported study was supported by RFBR, research project No.14-04-32087 mol_a.
Pages: 45-47


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