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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Behaviour and lipid parameters in rats-femail after bioacoustic сorrection
N.N. Klyueva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: nnklyueva@gmail.com N.K. Apraksina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: tanaavaleeani@mail.ru T.V. Avaliani - Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine». under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: tanaavaleeani@mail.ru N.S. Parfenova - Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: nnklyueva@gmail.com N.G. Nikulcheva - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: nnklyueva@gmail.com
Bioacoustic correction - listen to the acoustic image own EEG obtained on the basis of computer conversion current bioelectrical activity of the brain in an audible frequency range (BAC) and music therapy (MT) have a positive impact in the treatment of depressive disorders. The purpose of this research was to determine the characteristics of the reaction upon presentation of coordinated and uncoordinated with EEG sound signals in rats. Methods. Mature rats - females (Wistar) implanted electrodes in the frontal and occipital region of the cortex on the right and on the left under zolotilova anaesthesia and-0.6 ml/kg. Over 5 days, rats were tested in open field (OF). Analyzed the structure and integrity of conduct for the 3-minute period of time. Assessed locomotor, emotional and exploratory behavior. For the selection of homogeneous groups on the probabilistic characteristics of coherent behavior in OF cluster analysis was used. In rats for 5 days spent bioacoustic sessions (2 sessions a day for 10 minutes). In 10 rats sessions with music BAC - a certain ratio of the frequencies of the fundamental tone of sounds that corresponded temperierung scale and were connected by non-linear law with durations of periods of EEG (group S-BAC). In 10 rats sessions have been conducted with monotonous BAC, changing the timbre in accordance with the current frequency EEG (group SM - BAC). 10 rats were presented with a recording of acoustic image EEG other rats (group NS-BAC) and 10 rats is inconsistent with EEG and not a musical sound (group NM-BAC). 2 weeks later they were re-tested in the OF. After the last test conducted blood and liver for the study of lipid parameters. In the serum was determined cholesterol (CH), triglycerides (TG) and cholesterol high density lipoprotein (HDL-CH). In liver samples, after a preliminary extraction of lipids was determined cholesterol and triglycerides. Lipid content was determined by enzymatic method using Randox kits (England). As a control, as in the determination of behavior, and biochemical studies used a group of intact rats. Testing in the OF showed that the S-BAC causes an increase in the entropy of behavior and decrease emotional tension. After SM-BAC in rats more depleted behavior, stored emotional tension and reduced locomotor activity, than before exposure. In the group of rats NS-BAC has been little change in patterns of behavior and decreased motor activity. In group NM-BAC revealed a decrease in entropy behavior, decreased physical activity and change of exploratory behavior. Analysis of the lipid spectrum of blood serum of animals after treatment showed an increase in the content of HDL-CH and the percentage of HDL-CH to total cholesterol, respectively, the reduction in the atherogenicity. The most pronounced positive changes in the lipid spectrum and behavior of rats after sessions BAC due not only to the musical properties of the acoustic image EEG, but consistency and synchronization with the presentation of \"sounds of the brain\" with the current events of bioelectric activity.
Pages: 42-44


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