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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Effect of afobazol on the formation of sensory-motor reflexes and behavior of the offspring of rats exposed peat smoke
D.M. Gorbatova - Research Scientist, Toxicology Laboratory, Group Reproductive Toxicity V.V. Zakusov Institut of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Medica Sciences (Moscow). E-mail: pharmacevt07@mail.ru S.A. Litvinova - Ph. D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Psychopharmacology V.V. Zakusov Institut of Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow). E-mail: sa_litvinova@mail.ru
The results obtained in the study of formation the sensory-motor reflexes of young rats (on the fifth day of life) that were exposed to antenatal exposure peat smoke, flag positive reduction of behavioral indicators of formation "cliff avoidance reflex", "righting reflex" by comparison with control group. Afobazol put it order formation the sensory-motor reflexes of young rats for all modes of application, obtained results approximate to control. During observe for behavior of rats (70 days) latent time diving under the edge of the cylinder was below the control values twice in test - supporting carts and stands for different mazes?, it evidence about impulsivity animals in stress-situiation and compare with test-s results of reflex formations. Increase time the swimming and ability to make quick decisions are attention deficit. By afobazol latent time diving and time swimming approximate to control. In this way, peat smoke-s inhalations by pregnant rats cause defection of the sensory-motor reflexes and attention deficit in rat-s posterity because of antenatal hypoxia that conform literature data. Afobazol-s injections in antenatal and/or with milk in postnatal periods level peat smoke-s adverse effects.
Pages: 27-29


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