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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Influence of EMR EHF on hemolysis of rat blood erythro-cytes
P.O. Vardevanyan - Dr.Sc.(Biol.), Professor, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Yerevan State University. E-mail: biophys_dep@mail.ru A.V. Nerkararyan - Ph.D.(Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Yerevan State University. E-mail: a.nerkararyan@ysu.am M.S. Mikaelyan - Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Yerevan State University. E-mail: m.mikaelyan@ysu.am M.A. Shahinyan - Ph.D.(Biol.), Junior Research Scientist, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Yerevan State University. E-mail: mariamsh@rambler.ru
Living organisms are constantly subjected to electromagnetic radiation effect with extremely high frequencies (EMR EHF) from both natural and artificial sources. Physicochemical properties of erythrocytes depend on their own state which is characterized particularly by resistance of erythrocytes to damaging effect of different factors (chemical, physical). It is known that the resistance of erythrocytes depends on age: young erythrocytes exiting from marrow possess the highest resistance to damaging factor effect and, vice versa, old erythrocytes are not very resistant. As a criterion determining the resistance of erythrocytes, hemolysis duration under hemolytic agent effect may be used. Hemolysis duration depends on not only membrane properties but also hemolytic agent concentration (chemical factor) and also on effect intensity of different physical factors (temperature, EMR etc.). In present work EMR effect with 42.2 GHz and 51.8 GHz frequencies on acidic hemolysis of erythrocytes of rat blood has been investigated. Hemolysis duration decreasing and erythrogram peak increasing indicate about permeability enhancement of membranes of erythrocytes of irradiated animals. This is indicated by the left shoulder rise of erythrograms of erythrocytes of irradiated animals. The right shoulder rise and the second peak appearing on erythrogram may indicate about the new group of high-resistance erythrocytes, i.e. about eryt-hropoiesis stimulation. Moreover with above mentioned changes hemolysis acceleration is observed as well condi-tioned by permeability increasing of membranes of both old and young erythrocytes under the effect of EMR. About the permeability increasing of membranes of young erythrocytes of blood of irradiated rats may be judged by the fact that erythrogram peak is shifted to the right side. The left shoulder of erythrogram of the blood of irradiated rats with 42.2 GHz frequency practically coincides with the left shoulder of erythrograms of control animals on significant region. Blood erythrograms of irradiated rats with 51.8 GHz frequency are shifted in relate to control erythrograms in all days of experiment. Difference of EMR effects with different frequencies permit suggesting that EMR with 42.2 GHz frequency effects immediately on membrane of erythrocytes and the membranes of young erythrocytes are more sensitive to this effect. Obtained data indicate that there is a difference of organism response reaction: strengthening of erythropoiesis that is directed to repeating effect weakening of external physical factor. EMR with 51.8 GHz that is resonant for water effects on erythrocytes in mediated way: inducing changes of plasma properties. The repeating irradiations strengthen the effect on plasma, but the change of plasma properties results in observing changes of membrane properties of erythrocytes.
Pages: 56-60


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