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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Development of possible methods and approaches for registering electromagnetic waves emitted from the human body
electromagnetic waves
infrared radiation
thermo radiation
colour coronal spectral analysis
I. Ignatov - Sc.D., Professor, Scientific Re-search Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)(Sofia, Bulgaria). E-mail: mbioph@dir.bg
O.V. Mosin - Ph.D. (Chem.), Research Scientist, Moscow State University of Ap-plied Biotechnology. E-mail: mosin-oleg@yandex.ru
H.Niggli - Dr.Sc., Consulting Research Employee, Applied BioFotonics Inc.
Ch.Drossinakis - Dipl. Eng., Chairman of IAWG GmbH, IAWG GmbH
G.Tyminski - Ph.D., D.M., Chairman of European Scientific Society (Europäische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft)
This paper presents the results of evaluation of possible biophysical methods and approaches for registering of various non-ionizing radiation (NIR) wave types of the human body in the optic and electromagnetic range. Various types of NIR (electromagnetic waves, infrared radiation, thermo radiation, biolumini¬scence) emitted from the human body were reviewed.
Pages: 21-38
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