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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Biotechnical system to control impedance of biomaterials in vivo
amplitude-frequency characteristics of biomaterials
phase-frequency characteristics of biomaterials
current probe
S.A. Filist - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Southwest State University
A.A. Kuzmin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Southwest State University
M.N. Kuzmina - Post-graduate Student, Southwest State University
A.A. Kuzmin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Southwest State University
M.N. Kuzmina - Post-graduate Student, Southwest State University
Devices used for noninvasive diagnosis of reliable diagnosis and monitoring of the dynamics of infectious diseases and cancer. Bioimpedance biomaterials research deserve special attention, as they are attractive because of their safety, efficiency, multi-parameter. Increase in the number of probing frequencies allows us to construct the space of informative features. On the basis of this space can be formed multi-agent decision-making model for classifying the state of bioobject. The structure of measuring part of biotechnical system for impedance measurements is described in the article. It is built according to an approach that provides for the allocation of the quadrature components of the bioimpedance at the hardware level. Feature is the choice of the chips of direct digital synthesis as generators for measuring part. These chips allow to obtain a sinusoidal signal from a few hertz to megahertz up to a fraction of a hertz. Such a wide range and resolution of the scanning frequency is very important for diagnostic purposes. Provides frequency stability issued by quartz clock source from which these chips are clocked. The circuitry of output chains of the probe signal is described in the article. As input measurement circuit inverting amplifier op amp is used where bioobject series with a current-limiting resistor is included in the negative feedback loop. Formulas for calculating the parameters of the bioimpedance with different models of the investigated medium are given in the article.
Pages: 38-41
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