350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Correlation relationship indicators and regional blood flow in localinfrared thermometer EHF laser pyoinflammatory maxillofacial region
I.L. Vagina - Physiotheropist, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University for State Budget Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education. E-mail: kvch@bk.ru
N.M. Khelminskaya - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University for State Budget Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education. E-mail: khelminskaya@mail.ru S.P. Olympieva - Ph.D.(Biol.), Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University for State Budget Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education. E-mail: vkilikov@yandex.ru
I.S. Istomina - Dr.Sc.(Med.), FGBI «Polyclinic № 1» Department of Presidential affairs of the Russian Federation. E-mail: npc-ntmk@yandex.ru
The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of the regional hemodynamics and infrared Thermometry in the EHF and EHF-laser therapy of Pyo-inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area. There were 94 patients who had complex treatment: basic therapy combined with very high frequency electromagnetic radiation and optical range. The status of the regional hemodynamics was studied by using Ultrasonic Doppler method and common carotid arteries and compared with those of the local infra-red Thermometry on the side of the lesion. Correlation analysis of regional blood flow and local infra-red Thermometry has shown a statistically significant inverse correlation between them before the procedures for EHF and EHF-laser therapy. Following these procedures correlation vanishes, which may indicate a settlement of an inflammatory process. Concluded that EHF and EHF-laser therapy can restore modified with Pyo-inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area indicators of the regional hemodynamics that enhances the effectiveness of comprehensive treatment.
Pages: 23-28

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