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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Random error of measurement ADC distortion density samples for diagnostic channels
random errors ADC
probability density samples
the transformation range
the sample size
the quantization step
the number of codewords
the number variance fallout code
evaluation of the standard deviation
G.A. Sadowski - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information-Measuring and Biomedical Engineering», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
Widely known methods of measuring instrument errors on a constant signal place high demands on precision formation test signals.
Methods for measuring the ac signal free from high demands on the accuracy of the test signal.
There are several methods for measuring the random component of the instrumental error of ADC on an alternating signal. This article discusses a method for measuring the distortion of the density distribution of samples. Is rectilinear scanning test signal within the scope of the random instrumental errors. Uniform sampling is performed with a given number of samples at a nominal level of quantization.
The cases of small measurement noise when the scope of random instrumental error does not exceed the level of quantization, and random noise.
The analysis of errors of measurement results. Formulated a program of experiments and the estimation algorithm of the measured value.
Pages: 51-54
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