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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Biophysical mechanisms of low intensity extremely high- and terahertz frequency bands effects
biophysical effects
low-intensive waves of MM and TGTs of ranges
acoustoelectric fluctuations
water clusters
"memory" of water
slot-hole contacts
stochastic resonance
O.V. Betskii Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of laboratory, Fryazinsky Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics to them JSC V.A.Kotelnikov
A.S. Koz-min Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Fryazinsky Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics to them JSC V.A.Kotelnikov
V.V. Faykin Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Moscow Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics to them JSC V.A. Kotelnikov
Yu. G. Yaremenko Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, Fryazinsky Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics to them JSC V.A.Kotelnikov
A.S. Koz-min Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Fryazinsky Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics to them JSC V.A.Kotelnikov
V.V. Faykin Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Moscow Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics to them JSC V.A. Kotelnikov
Yu. G. Yaremenko Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, Fryazinsky Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics to them JSC V.A.Kotelnikov
The main biological effects accompanying radiation by low-intensive millimeter and terahertz by radiations are:
1) strong absorption of these radiations by water and water solutions organic and notorganic substances;
2) violation of the law of additivity of these radiations by solvent (water) and the dissolved substances;
3) hydration of proteinaceous molecules under the influence of these radiations;
4) synthesis of biologically active agents by immunocompetent cells;
5) additional synthesis by microorganisms and living cells of biologically active agents, including responsible for the immune status of an organism;
6) excitement of receptors of central nervous system and bioelectric response in bark of big hemispheres;
7) emergence of "memory of water" after radiation of water or water solutions low-intensive EMI;
8) an enlightenment of water and water solutions at SPE-effect.
The analysis of these effects allow to present the author's concept of interaction of low-intensity millimeter and terahertz waves: there are five physiological gate of the impact of waves on the human body - receptors of the central nervous system, cells diffuse neuroendocrine system and cells of the immune system - skin depot T-cell, micro capillary bed of the circulatory system and biologically active points (BAP). The final product of the action of low-intensity millimeter and terahertz waves is the synthesis of the human organism biologically active substances that improve the functioning of a living organism.
Pages: 29-37
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