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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Usage of contingency tables 2×2 for estimation of the association between effects and outcomes in the longitudinal biomedical research (Doctor-s nonparametric test)
longitudinal biomedical research
independent samples
quantitative data
Fisher's exact test
T.V. Feofanova - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, FSBO SSC Institute of immunology of Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia, Moscow. E-mail: tatianafeofanova@yandex.ru
T.A. Serova - Ph.D. (Boil.), Leading Research Scientist, Federal state budgetary institution Institute of vaccines and serums named after I.I. Metchnikov, RAMS, Moscow. E-mail: tas1953@mail.ru
T.A. Serova - Ph.D. (Boil.), Leading Research Scientist, Federal state budgetary institution Institute of vaccines and serums named after I.I. Metchnikov, RAMS, Moscow. E-mail: tas1953@mail.ru
We offer new nonparametric criterion for the comparing of quantitative data of the two independent groups in dynamics (Doctor-s nonparametric test). The first group receives the external effect (EE) after the first survey (test group, EE+), the second group is control (EE-). We should estimate the association between the effect and the outcome for these groups. The live object has low, high and normal values of a quantitative index. External effect may decrease the low and increase the high values of the indicator. This is the negative outcome (negative dynamics, ND). External effect may increase the low and reduce the high values of the indicator. This is the positive result (positive dynamics, PD). So we make replacement of quantitative values of the indicator «before-after» in the qualitative indicator «type of dynamics». This is the Doctor-s data conversion. Then, all objects are divided into 4 groups: group 1 (EE+, PD, a - number of objects), group 2 (EE+, ND, b - number of objects), group 3 (EE-, PD, c - number of objects), group 4 (EE-, ND, d - number of objects). These groups are a 2x2 contingency table. We take the values of the groups (a, b, c, d) and estimate the association between EE + and PD with the help of Fisher-s exact test [1]. The results are presents in terms of the absolute risk difference (ARD) to have a positive dynamics of the indicator in two groups: ARD=a/(a+b) ? c/(c+d) [2]. We used this test to evaluate the two methods of laser therapy for patients with gastric ulcer. Our results: one of these methods demonstrates the detrimental effects on human lymphocytes, which regulate the immune response.
Pages: 80-81
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