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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The ability of different proteins to bind cholesterol and the role of guanidine groups of proteinic arginine residues in this process
N. N. Klyueva - Ph.D. (Boil.), Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg. E-mail: nnklyueva@gmail.com
N. S. Parfenova - Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
E. V. Belova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
N. M. Kalashnikova - Junior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
T. V. Vinogradova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
I. V. Okunevich - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
N. G. Nikulcheva - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
N. S. Parfenova - Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
E. V. Belova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
N. M. Kalashnikova - Junior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
T. V. Vinogradova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
I. V. Okunevich - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
N. G. Nikulcheva - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Research Institute of Experimental Medicine» under the North-West Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg
Experiments in vivo on four kinds of animals (rats, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits) demonstrate lipid-lowering effects of arginine and arginine-rich proteins. We have shown the reduction in cholesterol and triglycerides content, as well as decrease of atherogenic lipoproteins - VLDL and LDL and increase of HDL content - antiatherogenic high density lipoproteins. Intravenously injections of аpolipoprotein-E and polyarginine to rabbits and mice revealed lipoprotein spectrum modification in 10 minutes. The almost complete recovery of the lipoproteins occurs in 48 hours after this administration.
Experiments in vitro revealed that different proteins interact with cholesterol, depending on their content of arginine residues. When using the proteins (apo-E, histon, albumin, polyarginine and anothers) in equimolar amounts of arginine, found, that all the proteins interact with cholesterol. Adding substances compounds with arginine to the various lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL, HDL) have shown that the added substances interact differently with lipoproteins. Installed inhibitory effect of cholesterol on the Na, K-ATPase isolated from synaptic membranes of rat brain and kidney, as well as crystalline enzyme from bovine liver - glutamate dehydrogenase, which sharply decreases when blocking guanidine groups of arginine in enzyme proteins.
The results indicate the important role of arginine residues guanidine groups of proteins in the interaction with cholesterol.
Pages: 32-34
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