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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Equipment with quasi-optical path for biomedical research in the EHF and the terahertz frequency bands
A.P. Кrenitchkiy - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), General Director, JSC «CIME» (Saratov). E-mail: alex@cime.ru
Yu.A. Kurchatov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory, JSC «CIME» (Saratov). E-mail: kurchatov500@yandex.ru
A.V. Terekhin - Head of the Department, JSC «CIME» (Saratov). E-mail: 07anatoli07@rambler.ru
Yu.A. Kurchatov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory, JSC «CIME» (Saratov). E-mail: kurchatov500@yandex.ru
A.V. Terekhin - Head of the Department, JSC «CIME» (Saratov). E-mail: 07anatoli07@rambler.ru
Created measuring complex consisting of a series of nodes with quasi-optical path and equipment, designed to examine the effect of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation on living systems. Measuring complex allows for a range of frequencies (120160) GHz (160260) and GHz (260535) GHz: a) irradiation of biological media at selected frequencies; b) measurement of the spectral characteristics and frequency of the irradiating field; d) measuring the VSWR in the quasi-optical path; d) measuring the attenuation in quasi-optical path. Generators and receivers in all installations interchangeable depending on the frequency band. Applied in a complex quasi-optical path, collected from the functional units of hollow dielectric beam guide (lumen diameter of 20 mm), operating range (0.1...0,6) THz. Measuring system for the irradiation of biological media has the ability to customize the radiation generators at selected frequencies, measurement and power changes, changes in the polarization of the radiation from linear to circular left and right circular, radiation modulation (amplitude, frequency and noise with a given law of the amplitude distribution in the low-frequency region), time irradiation. Measuring complex allows irradiation of in vitro and in vivo. Under in vitro conditions investigated medium in the flask is placed inside a path that allows to isolate it from external natural and artificial turf. In the in vivo conditions in the medium under study the effects of radiation from the open end of the beam guide) or by using a part of the complex lens antenna having a small loss in the frequency range and polarization-preserving fed to her radiation. The results of studies of the effect on the biological effects of frequencies and power density, types of polarization and modulation of the radiation on the selected frequencies for the study of near: 0.129 THz (second band O2), 0.15 THz (first band NO), 0,24 THz (2 Star band NO) and 0.4 THz (3rd lane NO). It is found that the optimum use of generators with linear polarization and frequency-modulated low frequency modulation, frequency deviation which exceeds the range of frequencies of the spectral lines belonging to the selected band to provide the highest intensity of the biological effects, to simplify the design and operation of the measuring complex. Includes information on the use of measuring complex for the study of therapeutic effects in human and veterinary medicine.
Pages: 44-55
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