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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Quantitative image analysis of bone scintigraphy for predicting the chemotherapy effectiveness
polyphase bone scan
the effectiveness of therapy
indirect angiography
bone metastases
breast cancer
prostate cancer
N.А. Nikolov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine; Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunication Technologiesof, State University of Telecommunications, Kiev, Ukraine
A.L. Kaminskaya - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kiev City Clinical Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine
M.V. Satir - Radiologist, Department Nuclear Medicine of «Institute Heart» of the Ministry of Health Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
O.Yu. Yaroshenko - Post-graduate Student, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine; Engineer-Radiologist, Department Nuclear Medicine of «Institute Heart» of the Ministry of Health Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
I.V. Buhenskaya - Student, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine
A.L. Kaminskaya - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kiev City Clinical Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine
M.V. Satir - Radiologist, Department Nuclear Medicine of «Institute Heart» of the Ministry of Health Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
O.Yu. Yaroshenko - Post-graduate Student, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine; Engineer-Radiologist, Department Nuclear Medicine of «Institute Heart» of the Ministry of Health Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
I.V. Buhenskaya - Student, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine
One of the most sensitive methodс for diagnosis of metastatic bone disease is bone scintigraphy with 99mTc-labelled phosphate. Typically, bone lesions are determined by calculation asymmetry coefficient of radiopharmaceutical accumulation in a pathological area relative to a reference survey area. In order to improve the accuracy of the differential diagnosis malignant and benign process in bone polyphasic bone scintigraphy is performed, which permits to estimate not only the static accumulation of radiotracer in the bones, but also the kinetics of the drug. Improvement of medical images quality and bone scintigraphy techniques of enables discussion of the possibility to predict malignant tumors chemotherapy efficiency , especially skeletal bones - metastatic lesionsby the bone scans data.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the possibility of predicting the effects of drugs in bones - metastatic lesions according on to the polyphase bone scintigraphy and determining the most informative quantitative criteria.
To solve the formulated problem bone scintigraphy results of 25 patients with multiple bone metastatic lesions were analyzed. As primary tumors these patients had: breast cancer (17 individuals) and prostate cancer (8 individuals). Patients were examined for 3-15 months before and after the therapy course. As the effectiveness criterion of metastatic areas - therapy the change of drug inclusion percentage in the pathological areas before and after the therapy course.
The quantitative bone scans analysis resulted in the following finding. Positive outcomes of chemotherapy can be expected under increased perfusion of lesions areas and spatially nonuniform distribution of the drug 2-3 hours after radiopharmaceutical injection. The integral sums of indirect angioscintigraphy data , and the radioactive count asymmetry dispersion parameter in disease areas versus reference area can serve as the main quantitative criteria of the relevant areas - properties.
Pages: 3-9
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