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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Simulation of control systems puncture peripheral vascular
I.A. Kudashov - Assistant, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.I. Shchukin - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
O.V. Belaya - Junior Researcher Scientist, FSBO «RAMS Research Institute of Occupational health» S.Yu. Perov - Ph.D.(Biol.), Leading Researcher Scientist, FSBO «RAMS Research Institute of Occupational health»
V.I. Petrov - Deputy Director, Scientific Research Institute of Bioiatrotechnics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.I. Shchukin - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
O.V. Belaya - Junior Researcher Scientist, FSBO «RAMS Research Institute of Occupational health» S.Yu. Perov - Ph.D.(Biol.), Leading Researcher Scientist, FSBO «RAMS Research Institute of Occupational health»
V.I. Petrov - Deputy Director, Scientific Research Institute of Bioiatrotechnics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Recently, in the world medical diagnostic practice there is interest in minimally invasive visualization procedures. One of these procedures is the puncture of peripheral vessels. The puncture of peripheral vessels aimed at taking blood samples for further diagnosis of the patient. Furthermore the actual problem is the installation of the catheter into the lumen of the vessel. For these manipulations carry out correctly there is needed an accurate understanding of the needle location relative to the blood vessel. Otherwise, a high probability post injection complications can be happened. Nowadays there are not the modern methods which can provide the puncture a blood vessel in forearm clearly. The suggested method is based on electrical impedance values which are measured by setting the current electrodes on the surface of the object. The alternating current (frequency of 100 kHz and a current of 1 mA) passes between the electrodes, and one of the current electrodes connected to the needle electrode. To determine the optimal location of the electrode system were developed numerical models of the puncture control system on the flat and multilayer phantoms. According results analyze found the optimal location of the electrode system. The results of experimental studies have confirmed the adequacy of the developed numerical models.
Pages: 38-42
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